

Overall Design and Innovation of Large-span Curved Steel Truss Bridges Constructed Using Pier Top Rotation Method


国道 109 新线高速公路安家庄特大桥为全线的控制性工程,左右幅主桥分别位于半径 1600m和 1500m的圆曲线上,依次跨越丰沙铁路、永定河和现状 109 国道,桥梁施工安全、河道防洪和环保要求均较高.为解决上跨铁路需采用转体法施工以及桥墩阻水比偏高的问题,创新提出了大跨度曲线钢桁梁桥墩顶转体法施工以及大直径厚壁钢管混凝土桥墩的设计方案,左右幅主桥分别采用(248.95+248.95)m钢桁斜拉桥和(171.95+171+75.25)m连续钢桁梁,转体长度分别为(248+248)m和(171+171)m,水中墩采用钢管混凝土桥墩.结合桥位处相关工程建设条件,对桥梁孔跨布置、桥式方案、水中墩结构的选择依据进行分析,简要介绍主桥上部结构、下部结构及基础、转体系统等主要设计内容.该桥突破钢桁梁不宜采用墩顶转体施工的技术瓶颈,扩大了连续钢桁梁桥和墩顶转体技术的使用范围;采用大直径厚壁钢管混凝土桥墩,有效降低了墩柱截面尺寸,拓宽了钢管混凝土结构的应用范围;大跨度曲线钢桁梁构造及受力特性较为复杂,采用BIM正向设计技术,实现了复杂结构信息和设计意图的精准表达,提高了设计效率.

Anjiazhuang super major bridge on the national highway 109 new line expressway is a control engineering for the entire project.The left and right main bridges are located on circular curves with radii of 1 600 m and 1 500 m respectively,crossing the Fengtai-Shacheng railway,Yongding River and the current National Highway 109,with high requirements for bridge construction safety,flood control and environmental protection.To solve the problems of using rotation method for construction across railways and the high water blocking ratio of piers,innovatively proposed design schemes for large-span curved steel truss bridges constructed using pier top rotation method and large-diameter thick walled concrete-filled steel tubular piers.The left and right main bridges adopt(248.95+248.95)m steel truss cable-stayed bridge and(171.95+171+75.25)m continuous steel truss bridge,with rotation lengths of(248+248)m and(171+171)m respectively,piers in the river adopt concrete-filled steel tubular piers.Based on the relevant engineering construction conditions at the bridge site,the paper analyzes the selection criteria for the arrangement of main bridge span,bridge types and pier structures in the river,and briefly introduces the design content of the main bridge superstructure,substructure and foundation,rotation system,etc.The bridge breaks through the technical bottleneck that.steel truss bridges are not suitable for pier top rotation construction,and expands the scope of application of continuous steel truss bridges and pier top rotation method construction technology;The use of large-diameter thick walled concrete-filled steel tubular piers effectively reduces the cross-sectional size of piers and expands the application range of concrete-filled steel tubular structures;The construction and stress characteristics of large-span curved steel truss bridges are relatively complex,by using BIM forward design technology,precise expression of complex structural information and design intent is achieved,improving design efficiency.


中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司,北京 100055||中国中铁桥梁专业研发中心-桥梁标准设计分中心,北京 100055



expresswayhighway bridgecurved bridgesteel truss cable-stayed bridgecontinuous steel trusspier top rotation methodconcrete-filled steel tubular pierBIM forward designoverall de-sign

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (003)

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