Shape function and performance analysis of Fourier horn
为设计振幅放大系数和形状因数均优良的变幅杆,研究了以不同阶次的傅里叶级数为振动位移函数的傅里叶变幅杆模型.推导了不同阶次傅里叶级数时变幅杆的外形函数,计算了相应的形状因数和位移节点.利用有限元方法计算了变幅杆的谐振频率、位移幅值和位移节点,并比较了其与传统变幅杆的性能优劣.结果表明:当面积系数较大时(大于 3.34),阶梯形变幅杆的振幅放大系数最大,其次是二阶傅里叶、悬链线形、指数形,最小为圆锥形;圆锥形变幅杆的形状因数最大,其次是指数形、悬链线形、二阶傅里叶,最小为阶梯形.谐振频率与面积系数相同的条件下,二阶傅里叶变幅杆的振幅放大系数远大于指数形、悬链线形和圆锥形变幅杆的相应值,其形状因数远大于阶梯形变幅杆.在同时考虑振幅放大系数和形状因数的条件下,相较于传统变幅杆,二阶傅里叶变幅杆综合性能更好.
To design a horn with excellent amplitude factor and shape factor,a Fourier horn model with different orders of Fourier series as vibration displacement function is researched.The shape functions of the horn with different orders of Fourier series are derived,and the corresponding shape factors and displacement nodes are calculated.The resonant frequency,displacement amplitude and displacement node of the horn are calculated by the finite element method,and the performance of the horn is compared with that of the traditional horns.The results show that when the area factor is large(more than 3.34),the stepped horn has the largest amplitude factor,followed by the second order Fourier horn,catenary linear horn,exponent horn,and the smallest is conical horn.The shape factor of conical horn is the largest,followed by exponent horn,catenary linear horn,second order Fourier horn,and the smallest is stepped horn.Under the same resonant frequency and area factor,the amplitude factor of the second order Fourier horn is much larger than that of the exponent horn,catenary linear horn and conical horn,and the shape factor of the second order Fourier horn is much larger than that of the stepped horn.Compared with the traditional horns,the second order Fourier horn has better comprehensive performance when considering both the amplitude factor and the shape factor.
陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院,陕西西安 710119陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院,陕西西安 710119陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院,陕西西安 710119
ultrasonic hornFourier seriesamplitude factorshape factor
《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (2)