

Key Techniques for Design of Wujiang Super Major Bridge on Weng'an-Zunyi Railway


新建瓮马铁路乌江特大桥跨越两山之间深谷,地形复杂、设计难度大.为研究该桥梁方案,首先阐述了主桥的方案构思和结构设计,然后通过空间有限元软件对本桥进行静、动力仿真分析,总结了大跨铁路劲性骨架混凝土拱桥构造和受力特性.结果表明:主跨 337 m上承式劲性骨架混凝土拱桥具有刚度大、徐变小、后期养护维修工作量小等优点,主拱圈采用小矢跨比设计,兼顾安全、经济、环保和美观,能够满足铁路桥梁跨越山区"V"形峡谷的要求;主拱圈由劲性钢管混凝土骨架外包C55 无收缩混凝土构成,通过分层分段浇筑方案改善拱圈各构件的内力;拱上结合梁采用两片工字形钢与混凝土桥面板相结合的形式,钢梁栓焊结合,便于制造、运输和施工;拱座采用梯形断面扩大基础,基础开挖永临结合,有效降低施工风险;数值分析表明该桥结构的刚度、强度、稳定性均能满足规范要求,能够满足客货共线铁路的安全性和乘坐舒适性要求.可为其他山区铁路桥梁桥式研究提供参考.

The newly built Wujiang Super Major Bridge on Weng'an-Zunyi Railway leaps over a deep valley between two mountains.The topography at the bridge site is complex and the bridge design is difficult.This thesis describes the conceptual considerations and structural design of the main bridge first,and then carries out the static and dynamic simulation analysis of the bridge by using the space finite element software.Research conclusions:The stiff skeleton deck-arch bridge with a main span of 337 m has the advantages of large rigidity,small creep and less maintenance work.The main arch is designed with small rise-span ratio,taking into account safety,economy,environmental protection and aesthetics.The arch rib is composed of concrete-filled steel tubular skeletons and the encasing non-shrinage C55 concrete,and the internal forces in different components of the arch are improved by means of casing concretet in layers and segments.The composite girder is consisted of two I cross-section steels and concrete slabs,and the steel girder are connected by bombination of bolting and welding,which is convenient for manufacture,transport and construction.The arch abutment is an expanded foundation with ladder-shaped section,and permanent and temporary measures are used in foundation excavation to reduce construction risk.The numerical analysis shows that the rigidity,strength and stability of the bridge structure can meet the requirements of the code and the safety and riding comfort requirements of the mixed passenger-freight line.It can provide some references for other mountain railway bridge design.


中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,武汉 430063||中国铁建股份有限公司桥梁工程实验室,武汉 430063



mountain railwayrailway bridgeconcrete-filled steel tube skeleton arch bridgenumerical calculationdesign

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (003)

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