Effects of Intercropping Alfalfa and Functional Plants on Population of Thrips and Their Natural Enemies Orius similis
本研究将苜蓿Medicago sativa与百脉根Lotus corniculatus、红豆草Onobrychis viciifolia、白三叶Trifolium repens、小冠花Coronilla varia及除虫菊Tanacetum cinerariifolium等不同功能植物以不同比例进行间作,在田间系统监测基础上,研究基于有害生物推拉策略和生物多样性保护的苜蓿蓟马生态调控技术.结果表明,苜蓿刈割前,苜蓿草田内蓟马及天敌小花蝽Orius similis的数量均显著高于对应间作的功能植物区;刈割1周后,与百脉根、红豆草、白三叶和除虫菊间作的苜蓿草田内小花蝽种群密度显著下降,对应的功能植物区内小花蝽数量显著上升,其中,百脉根、红豆草及白三叶3种功能植物区内小花蝽种群密度分别由刈割前的3.67头/10复网、3.00头/10复网、3.67头/10复网增加到了刈割1周后的11.50头/10复网、29.17头/10复网、15.00头/10复网,分别是刈割前的3.13倍、9.73倍和4.09倍,苜蓿草田内蓟马种群密度显著下降,对应不同功能植物区内蓟马种群密度不同,在红豆草和白三叶功能植物区内显著升高,而在其它区内刈割前无显著差异;刈割2周后,苜蓿再生期蓟马种群密度显著上升,各功能植物区内的小花蝽密度显著下降,与其间作的苜蓿草田内小花蝽种群数量显著增加;刈割3~4周后,随着苜蓿草田内蓟马种群密度的下降,其天敌小花蝽种群数量显著下降,不同功能植物区间小花蝽及蓟马种群密度变化不显著.苜蓿与五种功能植物以4:1比例间作对蓟马的调控效果由高到低依次为白三叶,除虫菊,红豆草,百脉根,小冠花.本研究为保护苜蓿草田生态系统天敌发挥生态效能提供可借鉴的策略与方法.
Referring to the push-pull theory and biodiversity protection strategy,the ecological regulation technology targeting alfalfa thrips was studied through field systematic monitoring of arthropods in fields intercropped alfalfa with different functional plants,such as Lotus corniculatus,Onobrychis viciifolia,Trifolium repens,Coronilla varia,and Tanacetum cinerariifolium in different proportions.The results showed that the population size of thrips and natural enemies Orius similis in alfalfa fields before harvest was significantly higher than that in corresponding intercropping functional plant areas.One week after mowing,the population density of O.similis in the alfalfa fields intercropped with L.corniculatus,O.viciifolia,T.repens,and T.cinerariifolium decreased significantly,while the density of O.similis in the corresponding functional plant area increased significantly.The density of O.similis in the three functional plant areas of L.corniculatus,O.viciifolia and T.repens increased from 3.67,3.00,and 3.67 insects/10 double nets before cutting to 11.50,29.17,and 15.00 insects/10 double nets at one week after mowing,respectively,which represented increases of 3.13 times,9.73 times and 4.09 times,respectively.Thrips population density in alfalfa field decreased significantly,corresponding to different changes in thrips density in different functional plant areas,and increased significantly in L.corniculatus and T.repens,but there was no significant difference between other areas and before mowing.At 2 weeks after cutting,the population density of thrips increased significantly with the regeneration of alfalfa,the density of O.similis in each functional plant area decreased significantly but increased significantly in the alfalfa fields.At 3-4 weeks after cutting,the density of O.similis decreased significantly with the decline of thrips population density in alfalfa fields,and the population density of O.similis and thrips in different functional plant areas did not change significantly.The strength of regulation effect of alfalfa intercropping with 5 functional plants at a ratio of 4:1 on thrips ranks from high to low:T.repens,T.cinerariifolium,O.viciifolia,L.corniculatus,C.varia.The study serves as a reference for protecting the natural enemies of alfalfa field ecosystem to provide ecological service.
宁夏农林科学院植物保护研究所,银川 750002
alfalfa fieldfunctional plantintercroppingthripsOrius similisecological regulation
《中国生物防治学报》 2024 (001)
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