

Establishment and application of PCR assay for detect of pigeon circovirus


为建立快速灵敏检测鸽圆环病毒(PiCV)的方法,参考GenBank上给出的中国流行PiCV毒株序列(登录号:OL901205.1),合成了 PiCV的全基因组重组质粒,并依据PiCV的Rep基因保守序列设计多组引物、探针,从中优选出1组扩增效果最佳的引物、探针,建立TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法.结果显示,该方法具有良好的灵敏性,使用合成的标准重组质粒进行试验,最低检测限为21 copies/μL,且在标准质粒浓度2.1 × 108~2.1 × 10 copies/μL范围内具有良好的线性关系,线性相关系数 R2=0.999 1;该方法具有高度的特异性,仅与PiCV发生特异性反应,不与鸽疱疹病毒1型、鸽腺病毒、新城疫病毒及鸽轮状病毒发生交叉反应;该方法的重复性亦佳,批间变异系数小于2%,批内变异系数低于1%.使用本方法检测50份疑似病料咽拭子样本,样本阳性检出率为94%,高于普通PCR的82%,两者符合率为100%.综上所述,建立的PiCV TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法可用于PiCV的临床检测.

To establish a method for the rapid and sensitive detection of pigeon circovirus(PiCV),a genome-wide recombinant plasmid of PiCV had been constructed according to a PiCV popular strain genome sequence(GenBank:OL901205.1).Subsequently,multiple sets of primers and probes were designed based on the conserved sequence of PiCV Rep gene.After screening,the optimized primers and probes com-bination which presented the best amplification efficiency was selected.And the TaqMan fluorescent quantitative PCR detection method was established.To test the sensitivity of this method,the synthet-ic standard recombinant plasmid was employed.The results showed that the minimum detection limit of template is 21 copies/μL and the data can keep a good linear relationship over the range 2.1 × 101-2.1 × 108 copies/μL with the linear correlation coefficient R2=0.999 1.This method also show a highly specificity to PiCV which has no signal can be detected from pigeon herpesvirus type 1,pigeon aden-ovirus,Newcastle disease virus and pigeon rotavirus.The repeatability of the method is also excel-lent.The coefficient of variation is less than 2%,and the intra-assay coefficient of variation is less than l%.By using 50 clinical samples,the positive detection rate of this method is 94%while that of PCR is 82%.The coincidence rate of the two methods was 100%.In summary,the TaqMan fluorescent quantitative PCR detection method of PiCV established in this experiment can be used for clinical de-tection of PiCV.


汉唐和元(武汉)科技有限公司,湖北武汉 430070安陆市动物疫病预防控制中心,湖北孝感 432600



pigeon circovirusTaqMan fluorescence PCRdetectionapplication

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (002)

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