Study on the symbiosis model of intangible cultural heritage tourism stakeholders under the background of rural revitalization——Taking Danzhai Wanda Village as an example
Taking Danzhai Wanda Village in Guizhou Province as an example,through the application of symbiosis theory,this pa-per explored the symbiotic relationship formed by five types of intangible cultural heritage tourism stakeholder groups(symbiotic u-nits),namely government,enterprises,inheritors villagers and tourists,through a symbiotic medium(intangible cultural heritage tourism)under the influence of a symbiotic environment.In order to further determine the degree of interaction between symbiotic units,this paper used social network analysis method to quantitatively measure the symbiotic model between units.The results showed that:The symbiotic behavior model among the symbiotic units of small-town intangible heritage tourism was mainly intermittent and continu-ous symbiosis,and the symbiotic behavior model was mainly asymmetric mutualistic symbiosis.In the future,stakeholders should focus on improving the reverse symbiosis environment,supporting the vulnerable units(villagers)to participate in the development of Danzhai Wanda Village,and improving the quality of the symbiotic medium(intangible cultural heritage tourism),so as to promote the symbiotic evolution.The practice model of intangible cultural heritage tourism in Danzhai Wanda Village brought stakeholders enlightenment:in the development of intangible cultural heritage tourism in economically underdeveloped areas,the rapid development of intangible cultur-al heritage tourism industry could be promoted by the way of multi-subject value co-creation.
中国社会科学杂志社,北京 100026北京联合大学旅游学院,北京 100101
rural revitalizationintangible cultural heritage tourismsymbiosis modelstakeholdersDanzhai Wanda Village
《资源开发与市场》 2024 (002)
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