

Geographic Distribution and Priority Protection Levels of Key protected Wild Plants in Wenshan Prefecture


保护植物通常拥有较高的利用价值或种群数量较少,是目前面临生存威胁最高的植物类群,也是生物多样性保护重点关注的对象之一.通过对文山州重点保护野生植物系统调查,分析其丰富度及地理分布,采用濒危系数、遗传价值系数、保护系数和利用价值系数4项指标,确定权重,再计算重点保护野生植物的优先保护综合值,据此划分物种的优先保护等级.结果表明:文山州分布重点保护野生植物387种,包括国家一级重点保护野生植物36种、二级259种,云南省Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物24种、Ⅲ级78种;国家重点保护野生植物中,兰科(Orchidaceae)植物112种,占38%,是文山州重要的保护类群.水平分布上,南部的麻栗坡县、马关县和西畴县物种丰富度较高,分别为228、224、200种,中北部的广南县、丘北县和砚山县物种丰富度偏低,分别是87、68、52种;垂直分布上,海拔1 301~1 500 m是重点保护野生植物最集中的区域;所以在生物多样性保护中,需要重点关注南部区域和海拔1 301~1 500 m的区域.优先保护综合值是0.372~0.940,其中Ⅰ级39种,Ⅱ级142种,Ⅲ级123种,Ⅳ级83种.古林箐秋海棠(Begonia gulinqingensis)、云南金花茶(Camellia fascicularis)、滇南风吹楠(Horsfieldia tetratepala)、丘北冬蕙兰(Cymbidium qiubeiense)、光萼厚轴茶(Camellia crassicolumna var.multiplex)、无斑兜兰(Paphiopedilum henryanum var.christae)、六角莲(Dysosma pleiantha)和绿花杓兰(Cypripedium henryi)8种虽然未被列入《中国生物多样性红色名录——高等植物卷(2020)》受威胁物种,但在文山州分布个体数量少、受人为干扰明显、保护价值高,评估为Ⅰ级优先保护,属于亟需拯救和保护的对象.

Protected plants usually have high utilization value or a small population size,and are the plant groups facing the highest survival threat,and are also one of the focus objects of biodiversity conservation.Based on the systematic survey of key protected wild plants in Wenshan Prefecture,the abundance and geographic distribution of them were analyzed,and the weights were determined by using four indicators,including endangerment coefficient,genetic value coefficient,protection coefficient,and utilization value coefficient,and then the integrated value of priority protection for these plants were calculated,and the different levels of priority protection to species were classified.The results showed that the387 species of wild plants were identified under priority protection in Wenshan Prefecture,including 36 species under national-level priority protection,259 species at the second level,24 species under priority protection at the second level in Yunnan Province,and 78 species at the third level,respectively.Orchidaceae family accounted for 38%(112 species)of the wild plants under national-level priority protection,was an important protected taxon in Wenshan Prefecture.From the horizontal distribution level,Malipo,Maguan and Xichou Counties in the south had high species richness with 228,224,and 200 species,respectively.On the other hand,Guangnan,Qubei and Yanshan Counties in the north-central part had lower species richness with 87,68 and 52 species,respectively.In terms of vertical distribution,the elevation range of 1 301 to 1 500 m was the most concentrated area for wild key protected plants.Therefore,biodiversity protection efforts should focus on the southern region and areas with an altitude of 1 301 to 1 500 m.The combined value of priority protection ranged from 0.372 to 0.940,resulting in 39 species classified as Class Ⅰ,142 species as Class Ⅱ,123 species as Class Ⅲ,and 83 species as Class Ⅳ.Eight species,including Begonia gulinqingensis,Camellia fascicularis,Horsfieldia tetratepala,Cymbidium qiubeiense,Camellia crassicolumna var.multiplex,Dysosma pleiantha and Cypripedium henryi,were not listed as threatened species in the"China Biodiversity Red List-Higher Plants Volume(2020)",but were assessed as Class Ⅰ Priority Conservation due to their small number of distribution individuals,and significant human disturbance and high conservation value.These species should be considered urgent targets for rescue and protection.


西南林业大学林学院,昆明 650224



Wenshan Prefecturekey protected wild plantsgeographic distributionpriority protection level

《植物研究》 2024 (002)

210-219 / 10


