The acceleration of a high-charge electron bunch to 10 GeV in a 10-cm nanoparticle-assisted wakefield acceleratorOA
An intense laser pulse focused onto a plasma can excite nonlinear plasma waves.Under appropriate conditions,electrons from the background plasma are trapped in the plasma wave and accelerated to ultra-relativistic velocities.This scheme is called a laser wakefield accelerator.In this work,we present results from a laser wakefield acceleration experiment using a petawatt-class laser to excite the wakefields as well as nanoparticles to assist the injection of electrons into the accelerating phase of the wakefields.We find that a 10-cm-long,nanoparticle-assisted laser wakefield accelerator can generate 340 pC,10±1.86 GeV electron bunches with a 3.4 GeV rms convolved energy spread and a 0.9 mrad rms divergence.It can also produce bunches with lower energies in the 4–6 GeV range.
Constantin Aniculaesei;Thanh Ha;Samuel Yoffe;Lance Labun;Stephen Milton;Edward McCary;Michael M.Spinks;Hernan J.Quevedo;Ou Z.Labun;Ritwik Sain;Andrea Hannasch;Rafal Zgadzaj;Isabella Pagano;Jose A.Franco-Altamirano;Martin L.Ringuette;Erhart Gaul;Scott V.Luedtke;Ganesh Tiwari;Bernhard Ersfeld;Enrico Brunetti;Hartmut Ruhl;Todd Ditmire;Sandra Bruce;Michael E.Donovan;Michael C.Downer;Dino A.Jaroszynski;Bjorn Manuel Hegelich
University of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USASUPA Department of Physics,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland G4 ONG,United KingdomUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USA Tau Systems,Inc.,Austin,Texas 78701,USATau Systems,Inc.,Austin,Texas 78701,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,Livermore,California 94550,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USALos Alamos National Laboratory,Los Alamos,New Mexico 87545,USABrookhaven National Laboratory,Upton,New York 11973,USASUPA Department of Physics,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland G4 ONG,United KingdomSUPA Department of Physics,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland G4 ONG,United KingdomLudwig-Maximilians-Universität,Munich,GermanyUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USATau Systems,Inc.,Austin,Texas 78701,USAUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USASUPA Department of Physics,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland G4 ONG,United KingdomUniversity of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas 78712,USA Tau Systems,Inc.,Austin,Texas 78701,USA
《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 2024 (1)
supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant No.FA9550-17-1-0264supported by the DOE,Office of Science,Fusion Energy Sciences under Contract No.DE-SC0021125supported by the U.S.Department of Energy Grant No.DESC0011617.D.A.Jarozynski,E.Brunetti,B.Ersfeld,and S.Yoffe would like to acknowledge support from the U.K.EPSRC(Grant Nos.EP/J018171/1 and EP/N028694/1)the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No.871124 Laserlab-Europe and EuPRAXIA(Grant No.653782)funded by the N8 research partnership and EPSRC(Grant No.EP/T022167/1).