

Research on group key management of power Internet of Things based on consensus mechanism



With the construction of the power Internet of Things,the number of terminal accesses has increased greatly,and achieving low latency and providing real-time services are two major challenges faced by the traditional power Internet of Things.Although there are already some encryption schemes designed to promote secure communication in the power Internet of Things system,the existing schemes generally do not support anonymous and flexible key management.In this paper,based on the consensus mechanism of the block chain,ensures that the decentralized nodes in the power Internet of Things system are guaranteed to achieve the consistency in the block chain system.A block chain-based mutual authenti-cation and key scheme for smart grid systems is proposed.Based on the characteristics of the block chain consensus mech-anism,the scheme can support efficient conditional anonymity and key management.It proposes a solution to the problem of secure private communication and key management which is effective for terminal(TA)and data aggregators(DA),and provides an effective key update and revocation algorithm.This paper analyzes the experimental data of the storage cost and time cost of the proposed scheme.The experimental results are compared with the three key management authen-tication schemes proposed by other papers respectively.The results show that this scheme has obvious advantages in stor-age cost and time cost.Finally,a discussion and analysis between safety and efficiency are carried out,and constructive opinions are put forward for the construction of the future power Internet of Things.


黑龙江大学计算机科学技术学院,哈尔滨 150080黑龙江大学计算机科学技术学院,哈尔滨 150080||黑龙江恒讯科技有限公司国家博士后科研工作站,哈尔滨 150080||黑龙江讯翱科技有限公司,哈尔滨 150090



block chainkey managementidentity authenticationcommunications securitypower Internet of Things

《电测与仪表》 2024 (003)

132-137 / 6


