

Machine Learning Enabled Decoding of Color-coded Droplet Arrays and Its Application in Multiplex Digital Nucleic Acid Analysis


为了解决数字化核酸分析的通量限制问题,在三原色组合液滴编码技术基础上,本研究发展了一种基于机器学习的颜色编码液滴阵列自动化解码方法.此方法借助机器学习赋予计算机程序自动获取液滴颜色-位置-数量信息的能力,通过关联核酸扩增前后液滴颜色-位置-数量信息,快速确定每种检测靶标对应的阳性液滴比例.将这种液滴解码策略用于多重数字化核酸分析,实验结果表明,本方法快速、准确,其解码流程可在2 min内完成,液滴识别准确率>99%.基于此液滴解码方法获得的核酸定量分析结果与商品化数字PCR仪的定量分析结果具有良好的相关性(R2>0.99).

To address the throughput limitations of digital nucleic acid analysis,a tricolor combination-based droplet coding technique was developed to achieve multiplex digital nucleic acid analysis with flexible throughput expansibility.To improve the analysis efficiency,a machine learning-based method was further developed for automatic decoding of color-coded droplet array.The machine learning algorithm empowered the computer program to automatically extract the color-position-quantity information of the droplets.By correlating this color-position-quantity of droplets before and after nucleic acid amplification,the proportion of positive droplets for each target was rapidly determined.This droplet decoding strategy was applied to multiplex digital nucleic acid analysis.The experimental results demonstrated that this droplet decoding method was fast and accurate,with a decoding process completed within 2 min.Furthermore,the droplet identification accuracy exceeded 99%.Additionally,the obtained nucleic acid quantification results exhibited a good correlation(R2>0.99)with those reported by a commercial digital PCR instrument.


桂林电子科技大学数学与计算科学学院,桂林 541004华南理工大学附属第二医院检验科,广州 510180


Machine learningDropletCodingDecodingMultiplex digital nucleic acid analysis

《分析化学》 2024 (002)

198-207 / 10

广东省自然科学基金项目(No.2021A1515010182)资助.Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,China(No.2021A1515010182).

