Research on Structure of Round Wire Planar Resonant Coil Used in MR-WPT System
The magnetic resonance wireless power transfer(MR-WPT)system uses the electromagnetic field coupling resonance phenom-enon between spiral coils for wireless transmission of electric energy,and the structure of the spiral coil is closely related to the system performance.The round wire plane spiral coils are usually used in high-power applications with the working frequency of megahertz,and its design is usually based on finite element technology modeling.It is difficult to obtain analytical expressions to calculate coil parame-ters and design coil structures.A mathematical model of a round wire plane spiral coil is established,and an analytical expression be-tween the physical structure of the coil and its important resonance parameters is derived.The experimental results verify the correctness and accuracy of the theory.
许昌电气职业学院电气工程系,河南 许昌 461000许昌电气职业学院电气工程系,河南 许昌 461000
magnetic resonanceresonant coilwireless power transfer
《电子器件》 2024 (1)