

Effects of summer-sowing short-season-cultivation on spatial-temporal characteristics of boll-formation and yield composition of cotton


以 10 个不同基因型棉花品系为试验材料,采用株式图记载棉株各部位蕾铃发生、生长和脱落情况,以探明棉花在夏播短季栽培条件下的棉铃形成时空分布特征.结果表明:在时间分布上,现蕾高峰期为播种后第 56天至第 80天,开花高峰期为播种后第 77天至第 96天,成铃高峰期为播种后第 85天至第 101 天,各品系生殖器官(蕾、花、铃)数量积累均有显著差异;在空间分布上,P56-3、07 单 12、07 单 6 和 07 单 7 表现为中部成铃最多,其余品系则表现为下部成铃最多;P56-3、07单 6和 07单 7成铃率分布表现"下部果枝内空形";各品系产量结构有显著差异,品系 2003-29 单株铃数较其他品系高 19.53%~119.55%,籽棉和皮棉产量较其余品系分别高21.82%~106.32%、22.46%~134.05%,在所有参试品系中表现突出,成铃分布均匀,脱落较少,单株成铃数和产量最高,适宜在夏播短季栽培模式下种植.棉花夏播短季栽培成铃主要集中在 8月,不能用传统的"三桃"比例来衡量高产优质栽培的成铃结构.

In order to understand the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of cotton boll-formation under summer-sowing short-season-cultivation conditions,10 cotton lines of different genotypes were used as experimental materials,and the occurrence of bud bolls in each part of cotton plants was recorded by plant diagrams.The results showed that in terms of time distribution,the peak period of buds was 56-80 days after seeding,the peak period of flowering was 77-96 days after seeding,and the peak period of boll-formation was 85-101 days after sowing,and the accumulation of reproductive organs(buds,flowers and bolls)of different varieties/lines was significantly different.Regarding to the spatial distribution,P56-3,07 single 12,07 single 6 and 07 single 7 showed the most bolls in the middle,while the rest of the varieties showed the most bolls in the lower part.In addition,the distribution of boll-formation rates of P56-3,07 single 6 and 07 single 7 also showed"hollow shape in the lower fruit branches".The yield structure of each line was significantly different,and the number of bolls per plant in 2003-29 was 19.53%-119.55%higher than those of other cultivars,and the yield of seed cotton and lint cotton was 21.82%-106.32%and 22.46%-134.05%higher than those of other varieties,respectively.Among 10 genotypes,the strain 2003-29 showed optimal characters including uniform boll-formation,less shedding,the highest number of bolls and yield per plant and thus it was suitable for planting in the summer-sowing short-season-cultivation mode.Therefore,the summer-sowing short-season-cultivation of cotton was mainly concentrated in August,and the traditional ratio of"three peaches"was not applicable to measure the boll-formation structure of high-yield and high-quality cultivation.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128



cottonsummer-sowing short-season-cultivationboll-formationspatial-temporal distributionyield

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (1)



