

Harnessing Spatial Informatics to Address the Challenges in Resource Supply of"Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastic"


塑料污染是当今世界最受关注的环境问题之一,严重影响人类健康与发展."以竹代塑"是我国结合自身资源优势提出的抗击塑料污染的重要解决方案.然而,制约"以竹代塑"产业高质量发展的最大瓶颈是竹资源供给能力难以满足代塑产品消费市场日益增长的需求.竹资源供给面临着资源监测精度不高、质量不均、采收成本高等3 大挑战,因此综合提升竹资源供给能力刻不容缓.竹子空间信息科学是融合遥感科学、地理信息科学、统计学和运筹学等多学科技术的交叉学科,在解决竹资源供给的3 大挑战方面具有广阔的应用前景.文章针对当前竹资源供给存在的问题,阐述了竹子空间信息科学技术在精准监测竹资源数量、提升竹资源质量以及降低采伐运输成本等方面的创新应用,以充分发挥交叉学科在应对竹资源供给挑战中的科技创新与引领作用,更好地服务"以竹代塑"产业高质量发展.

Plastic pollution is one of the most concerned environmental issues in the world,seriously affecting human health and development."Bamboo as a substitute for plastic",as an important solution to plastic pollution,is proposed by China in view of its advantages in bamboo resources.However,the largest bottleneck restricting the high-quality development of bamboo industry is the insufficient bamboo resource supply to meet the growing market demand for bamboo products.Bamboo resource supply is challenged mainly by the low precision of bamboo resources monitoring,the uneven quality,and the high cost of harvesting.Therefore it is urgent to improve the capacity of bamboo resources supply in a comprehensive way.Bamboo spatial informatics,which integrates multiple disciplines including remote sensing science,geographical information science,statistics and operational research,has a great potential to be applied for addressing these challenges.In view of the problems existing in bamboo resource supply,this paper elaborates on the applications of bamboo informatics in precise bamboo resource monitoring,quality improvement and felling/transport cost reduction,in the hope to give play to the innovation and leading role of spatial informatics in addressing the challenges and better serve the high-quality development of"bamboo as a substitute for plastic".


国际竹藤中心 北京 100102||国家林业和草原局/北京竹藤科学与技术重点开放实验室 北京 100102||福建永安竹林生态系统国家定位观测研究站 福建永安 366000国际竹藤中心 北京 100102


spatial informaticsresource monitoringbamboo resource supplybamboo as a substitute for plasticbamboo industry

《世界竹藤通讯》 2024 (1)




