

Study on simulations of rainfall-flood processes and runoff allocation characteristics on community scale


为了研究小区尺度地表径流各组分占比随不同重现期降雨的变化规律,以西咸新区天福和园小区为研究对象,采用 GAST-SWMM 耦合模型,以模拟时长及地形边界条件为变量进行研究分析.研究表明:经两场实测降雨过程验证,模型确定性系数分别为0.83和0.82,表明构建的一二维耦合模型精度较高;在本文设置的两种工况下,小区地表径流外排率和管网排水率均随降雨重现期增大而以渐进曲线形式增大,土壤下渗占比和地表填洼率随降雨重现期增大而减小;小区地表径流外排和管网排水主要发生在降雨期间,分别占各自排水总量的94.88%和94.36%;小区地形边界条件对径流过程模拟的影响不容忽视,在有围墙及无围墙工况下平均地表径流外排率分别为9.42%、22.55%.本研究可为地势相对四周较低区域的排水防涝设计提供参考.

In this work,we study the proportions of different components of surface runoff on a community scale and their variations with different return periods of rainfall,using the GAST-SWMM coupled model and a case study of the Tianfu Heyuan community in Xixian New Area,and focusing on different simulation durations and different terrain boundary conditions.We find that this model,after validated against two measured rainfall events,gives the coefficient of determination of 0.83 and 0.82,indicating a high accuracy of the 1D-2D coupled model.Under the two scenarios of the community considered in this study,its surface runoff discharge rate and network drainage rate increase asymptotically with the increase in the rainfall return period,while the proportion of soil infiltration and the surface depression filling rate decrease.The surface runoff discharge and network drainage mainly occur in the rainfall periods,accounting for 94.88%and 94.36%of their respective annual totals.The impact of terrain boundary conditions in the community on its runoff process simulations is not negligible.The average rate of surface runoff discharge varies from 9.42%of the fence wall case to 22.55%of the no wall case.This study is useful for drainage and flood control in the areas relatively lower than the surrounding terrains.


西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048||中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,西安 710065宁夏首创海绵城市建设发展有限公司,宁夏 固原 756000



urban floodingrunoff processsurface runoff outflowzoning modelgradual curve

《水力发电学报》 2024 (003)


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