

Research on floodwater resources utilization by conjunctive regulation of surface and underground reservoirs in coastal small-and medium-sized river basins:Ⅱ.case study


以山东半岛乳山河流域为例,构建了时、日、月多时间尺度嵌套的乳山河流域地表-地下水库联合调控模型,通过对地表水库泄流、河道闸坝控制水位、地表-地下水库供水等调控规则的优化,提出了地表-地下水库联合调控洪水资源利用方案.研究结果表明:在洪水来临之前通过地表-地下水库联合调控抬升河道控制水位、加大地下水库供水比例、增加河道入渗量,可将地表水库多余水量适时转移到地下水库,腾空地表水库拦洪库容,有效增加流域洪水资源利用量;联合调控方案下,乳山河流域洪水资源的丰(2007 年)、平(1994 年)、枯(1967 年)年,洪水资源利用量分别增加了846.96 万、728.77 万、106.35 万m3,验证了地表-地下水库联合调控模型的实际应用效果.

Taking the Rushan River Basin in Shandong Peninsula as an example,a conjunctive regulation model of surface and underground reservoirs with multiple time scales of hours,days,and months was constructed.A floodwater resources utilization scheme through conjunctive regulation of surface and underground reservoirs was proposed based on the optimization of regulation rules of surface reservoir discharge,river gate and dam water level controlling,and surface and underground reservoir water supply.The results show that,through conjunctive regulation of surface and underground reservoirs to raise the river control level,increase the proportion of underground reservoir water supply,and increase the infiltration of rivers before floods,the excess water from surface reservoirs can be transferred to underground reservoirs timely,which can empty the storage capacity of the surface reservoir and effectively increase the amount of floodwater resources utilization in the watershed.Under the conjunctive regulation scheme,the floodwater resources utilization in the Rushan River Basin increased by8.4696 million,7.2877 million,and 1.0635 million m3,respectively,in 2007(wet year),1994(normal year),and 1967(dry year),verifying the practical application effect of the conjunctive regulation model of surface and underground reservoirs.


南京水利科学研究院水灾害防御全国重点实验室,江苏 南京 210029河海大学水利水电学院,江苏 南京 210098江苏省地震局,江苏 南京 210014威海市水文中心,山东 威海 264299



floodwater resources utilizationconjunctive regulationunderground reservoirmultiple time scalesRushan River Basin

《水资源保护》 2024 (002)

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