

Principle and characteristic analysis of rank matching degree between urban industrial water use efficiency and economic development level in China


对现有基于数列的匹配度指标进行改进,提出了秩匹配度概念和计算方法,将匹配度内涵拓展为欠匹配、匹配、过匹配3 种状态及高、中、低匹配3 个层次,以更加全面地反映特征指标与影响因素的相对发展水平与匹配状况.采用秩匹配度分析了全国 336 个城市 2017 年工业用水效率与经济发展水平的匹配特征,结果表明:我国工业用水效率与经济发展水平呈匹配状态的城市占比为28.27%,全国各区域均有分布;高层次匹配的城市主要分布在北方地区,低层次匹配的城市主要分布于鄂、闽、桂等南方地区;呈过匹配状态的城市占比为36.31%,主要分布于华北、西北地区;呈欠匹配状态的城市占比为35.42%,主要分布在华中、东南等经济较发达、水资源较丰富的地区.

The existing matching degree index based on data sequences was improved,and the concept and calculation method of the rank matching degree were put forward.The connotation of matching degree was expanded to three states of under-matching,matching,and over-matching,along with three levels of matching hierarchy,i.e.,high,medium,and low,so as to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the relative development level and matching state of characteristic indicators and influencing factors.The rank matching degree was employed to examine the matching characteristics between industrial water use efficiency(IWUE)and economic development level(EDL)across 336 cities in China in 2017.The findings indicate that cities in the matching state of IWUE and EDL constitute 28.27%of the total,and are distributed across China.Among cities in the matching state,high-level matching cities are mainly distributed in northern areas,and low-level matching cities are mainly distributed in southern areas,such as Hubei and Fujian provinces,as well as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regin.Cities in the over-matching state account for 36.31%,which are predominantly located in North China and Northwest China.The proportion of under-matching cities is 35.42%,which are primarily distributed in Central China,Southeast China,and other economically developed regions with abundant water resources.


河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏 南京 210098河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏 南京 210098河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏 南京 210098||水利部水利大数据重点实验室,江苏 南京 211100上海勘测设计研究院有限公司,上海 200434水利部节约用水促进中心,北京 100038



rank matching degreeindustrial water use efficiencyeconomic development levelmatching statematching hierarchy

《水资源保护》 2024 (2)



