

Effect of Maxillary Canine Torque Combined with Buccal Corridor on Smile Esthetics


目的:评价不同上颌尖牙转矩与不同大小的颊廊两两结合后对微笑美的影响.方法:一张成年女性口周微笑相,经过三维数字化模型和图像处理软件拟合,获得49张微笑照片(颊廊调整从0%至30%,间隔5%,尖牙转矩调整从-18°~12°,间隔5°),每张照片赋予相应编号(1~49),打乱照片的顺序将其放在同一相册中,指导60名口腔专业人士和60名非专业人士利用视觉模拟量表对照片的美观程度进行打分.结果用一般线性模型,Kruskal-Wallis检验,Mann-Whitney U检验等统计学方法,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果:①尖牙转矩与颊廊的交互作用无统计学意义(P>0.05);②当转矩不变时,改变颊廊对微笑美学的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05),当颊廊为10%~20%时,得分之间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),颊廊为15%时,得分最高(P<0.05);③当颊廊不变时,绝大多数情况下改变尖牙转矩对微笑美的影响无统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:大多数情况下上颌尖牙转矩与颊廊两两结合后并未发现对微笑美有加强或消减的作用,对美观的影响主要取决于颊廊,可接受的范围为10%~20%,且15%时微笑相最佳.

Objective The study wanted to evaluate that the different maxillary canine torques combined with different buccal corridors had an effect on smile esthetics.Methods An adult female perioral smile photograph,fitted with a three-dimensional digital model and image processing software,yielded 49 smile photographs(buccal corridor adjusted from 0%-30%with 5%interval and cuspid torque adjusted from-18° to 12° with 5° interval),each photo was numbered accordingly(from 1 to 49)and the order of the photos was disordered to place them in the same album,and 60 dental professionals and 60 laypersons were instructed to score the aesthetics of the photos by using visual analogues.Results were analyzed by General linear model,Kruskal-Wallis test,Mann-Whitney U test and other statistical methods.Results ①There was no statistical difference in the interaction between canine torque and buccal corridor(P>0.05).②When the canine torque remained constant,the effect of the buccal corridor on smile aesthetics was statistically significant(P<0.05).When the buccal corridor was 10%-20%,the difference between the scores was statistically significant(P<0.05),and when the buccal corridor was 15%,the score was the highest(P<0.05).③In most cases,when the buccal corridor was unchanged,the effect of the canine torque on smile aesthetics was not statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion In most cases,the interaction of the maxillary canine torque and the buccal corridor has not been found to enhance or diminish the esthetics of smile.The impact on aesthetics depends mainly on the buccal corridor,with an acceptable range of 10%to 20%and an optimal smile at 15%.


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smile estheticsmaxillary canine torquebuccal corridorthree-dimensional digital modelvisual analogue scale

《中国美容医学》 2024 (003)

76-80 / 5
