首页|期刊导航|电器与能效管理技术|400 Hz中频电源波形多重比例谐振控制策略

400 Hz中频电源波形多重比例谐振控制策略OA

Multiple Proportional Resonant Control Strategy of 400 Hz Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverter


针对比例积分(PI)控制器难以实现输出电压无静差控制及低次谐波抑制困难等问题,提出一种单电压环多重比例谐振(PR)控制策略.分析了 PR控制器的特性,给出了 PR参数的设计方法,通过MATLAB进行了仿真验证,并在2 kVA样机上进行了实验验证.结果表明,所提策略可实现特定谐波的完全消除,输出电压波形总谐波失真小于1%,具有良好的稳态和动态性能.

A single voltage loop multiple proportional resonance(PR)control strategy is proposed to address the difficulties of proportional integral(PI)controllers in achieving zero static error control of output voltage and low order harmonic suppression.The characteristics of the PR controller is analyzed,a design method for PR parameters is provided,the simulation verification using MATLAB is finished,and the experimental verification on a 2 kVA prototype is conducted.The results show that the proposed strategy can achieve the complete elimination of specific harmonics,the total harmonic distortion of output voltage less than 1%,and the good steady-state and dynamic performance.


阳光新能源开发股份有限公司,安徽合肥 230088


400 Hz中频电源无静差控制低次谐波抑制多重比例谐振

400 Hz powerzero-steady-error controllow order harmonic suppressionmultiple proportional resonance(PR)

《电器与能效管理技术》 2024 (002)

44-49,55 / 7

