Comparison and Analysis of Material Technology for Repairing Cracks in a City Water Conveyance Channel Project
对在某城市输水渠道工程裂缝修补处理中常用的几种处理方法及材料进行分析研究,分别选取 A倒虹渐变段外露箱涵南北侧面、B渡槽槽箱东西侧面等两种典型构筑物中 4 处病害区域,在不停水状况下,分别采用不同补强防渗材料及施工工艺对 A倒虹渐变段外露箱涵南北两侧存在的施工冷缝造成的混凝土劣化、结构渗水、混凝土表皮大面积溶胀、剥落、渗流、局部黄白色结晶物析出和B渡槽槽箱东西侧面存在的长裂缝渗水、局部结晶物析出等病害区域进行补强处理.同时结合现场处理效果,对所采用的补强材料、施工工艺进行对比分析研究,得到适合不同病害的最优解决方案,为后期管理工作提供科学合理化建议,为同类型水利设施病害处理提供借鉴参考.
Several commonly used treatment methods and materials for crack repair in a certain city's water supply channel engineering were analyzed and studied.Four typical disease areas were selected from two typical structures,which are the north and south sides of the exposed box culvert in the A inverted rainbow gradient section,and the east and west sides of the B aqueduct box.Under the condition of con-tinuous water supply,different reinforcement and anti-seepage materials and construction techniques were used to reinforce the damaged areas caused by construction cold joints on the north and south sides of the exposed box culvert in the A inverted rainbow transition section,including concrete deterioration,struc-tural water seepage,large-scale swelling,peeling,seepage of concrete skin,local yellow white crystal pre-cipitation,and long cracks,water seepage,and local crystal precipitation on the east and west sides of the B aqueduct box.At the same time,combined with the on-site treatment effect,a comparative analysis and study of the reinforcement materials and construction techniques used were conducted to obtain the optimal solution suitable for different diseases,providing scientific and rational suggestions for later management work,and providing reference for the treatment of similar water conservancy facility diseases.
西安黑河供水有限责任公司,陕西省西安市曲江新区雁南五路6号 710061
channelengineeringa crackrepaircontrastresearch
《河北水利电力学院学报》 2024 (1)