Application of Grey Time Series Random Combination Model in Groundwater Depth Prediction:A Case Study of Cangzhou
地下水资源是支撑区域粮食生产的重要基础资源,为解决河北省浅层地下水水位持续下降问题,以河北省典型平原区沧州市为例,依据 2007-2022 年水位监测井观测数据,通过 MATLAB软件结合灰色时间序列原理搭建地下水埋深灰色时间序列随机组合模型,揭示沧州市地下水埋深变化规律,为沧州市乃至河北省平原区地下水资源可持续开发利用提供依据.通过相关模拟方法证实该模型简洁实用,精度较高.研究结果表明:未来 3 年(2023-2025 年),如果按照目前的发展趋势,沧州市地下水位会继续下降,平均年降幅为 1.45 m左右.
Groundwater resources are an important basic resource supporting regional food production.In order to solve the problem of continuous decline in shallow groundwater levels in Hebei Province,tak-ing Cangzhou,a typical plain area in Hebei Province,as an example,based on the observation data of wa-ter level monitoring wells from 2007 to 2022,a random combination model of groundwater depth and grey time series is constructed using MATLAB software combined with the principle of grey time series,revea-ling the variation law of groundwater depth in Cangzhou,which provides a basis for the sustainable devel-opment and utilization of groundwater resources in the plain areas of Cangzhou and even Hebei Province.Through relevant simulation methods,it has been confirmed that the model is concise,practical,and has high accuracy.The research results indicate that in the next three years(2023-2025),if the current devel-opment trend is followed,the groundwater level in Cangzhou will continue to decline with an average annu-al decrease of about 1.45m.
河北水利电力学院 水利工程系,河北省沧州市黄河西路49号 061001河北水利电力学院 水利工程系,河北省沧州市黄河西路49号 061001沧州水利勘测规划设计院有限公司,河北省沧州市新华区交通北大道21-1号 061000扬州市勘测设计研究院有限公司,江苏省扬州市邗江区物港路28号 225000河北水利电力学院 水利工程系,河北省沧州市黄河西路49号 061001河北省南运河河务中心,河北省沧州市运河区新华东路3号 061001
Cangzhouprediction of groundwater depthtime seriesauto correlation
《河北水利电力学院学报》 2024 (1)