Preparation of spinning grade polyoxymethylene and its spinnability study
通过聚甲醛制备及其可纺性能研究,系统分析了聚甲醛中共聚单体(DOL)、催化剂(CA)添加量,产品熔融指数(MFR)对聚甲醛纺丝性能的影响.研究结果表明,适当提高聚甲醛中DOL、降低CA含量和提高产品MFR有助于改善聚甲醛的纺丝性能,其中DOL和CA添加比例分别为3%~6%和2~3ppm,MFR控制在8.8~19.8 g/10min时聚甲醛的纺丝性能最佳,制备的聚甲醛纤维拉伸强度可达6.6 g/d.通过对不同纺丝性能的聚甲醛样品进行熔融指数、结晶性能、球晶形态和热稳定性能测试分析,明确了聚甲醛熔融指数、结晶度和热稳定性能是影响聚甲醛纺丝性能的关键技术指标,球晶形态是次要技术指标.
The effects of comonomer(DOL),catalyst(CA)addition,and product melt index(MFR)on the spinning performance of polyoxymethylene were systematically analyzes by studying the preparation and spinnability of spinning grade polyoxymethylene.The research results show that appropriately increasing DOL in polyoxymethylene,reducing CA content and increasing product MFR can help improve the spinning performance of polyoxymethylene,with DOL and CA addition ratios of 3%~6%and 2~3 ppm,the MFR is controlled within the range of 8.8~19.8 g/10 min,the spinning performance of polyoxymethylene is optimal,the tensile strength of polyoxymethylene fiber prepared can reach 6.6 g/d.By testing the melt index,crystallinity,spherical morphology and thermal stability of polyoxymethylene samples with different spinning properties,it was determined that the melt index,crystallinity and thermal stability of polyoxymethylene are the key technical indicators affecting its spinning performance,and the spherical morphology is a secondary technical indicator.
开滦(集团)有限责任公司,河北唐山 063018开滦(集团)有限责任公司,河北唐山 063018开滦(集团)有限责任公司,河北唐山 063018开滦(集团)有限责任公司,河北唐山 063018
polyoxymethylenepolyoxymethylene fiberspinning performancethermal stability performance
《煤炭与化工》 2024 (2)