Study on"Two zones"height of overlying rock in fully mechanized mining face of gently inclined coal seam
随着矿井开采向深部发展,矿井水害风险逐渐增加,准确掌握工作面采空区覆岩"两带"即垮落带、导水裂隙带发育高度,对矿井顶板水害防治、合理留设防隔水煤(岩)柱意义较大.本文采用理论计算、UDEC数值模拟、压水测试3种方法,对青云煤矿020202综采工作面覆岩"两带"发育高度进行了研究,3种方法相互验证,最终得出该工作面垮落带最大高度为10.3 m,冒采比为4.12;导水裂隙带最大高度为41.6 m,裂采比为16.64,该结果可以为矿井的安全生产提供科学指导.
With the development of mining to the deep,the risk of mine water damage is gradually increasing.It is of great significance to accurately master the development height of the"two zones"of overlying rock in the goaf,namely the caving zone and the water-conducting fissure zone,for the prevention and control of water damage in the mine roof and the reasonable setting of water-separating coal(rock)column.Three methods,namely theoretical calculation,numerical simulation and water pressure test,are used to study the development height of"two belts"in overlying rock of No.020202 Face.The three methods were mutually verified.Finally,the maximum height of caving zone of the working face was 10.3 m,and the risk/production ratio was 4.12.The maximum height of the water-conducting fracture zone was 41.6m,and the fissure production ratio was 16.64.The results can provide scientific guidance for the safety of mine production.
山西凯嘉能源集团义棠矿业管理公司,山西 晋中 032000
caving zonewater flowing fractured zoneinclined drillingwater injectionleakagenumerical simulation
《煤炭与化工》 2024 (2)