

Research and application of drilling pressure relief support technology in deep rock roadway


东庞矿11采区轨道巷位于2号煤层底板,巷道变形严重,经历多次整修,维护成本高.为控制巷道变形,开展了深部岩巷支护技术的研究.现场调研表明,11采区轨道巷变形大,锚杆索等支护体损坏严重.对巷道砂岩进行力学参数测试,其单轴抗压强度为23.7 MPa.围岩强度低、2号煤工作面的回采以及支护参数不合理等是造成巷道变形大的主要原因.分析表明,在煤岩体中施工钻孔后,可促进应力集中向深部转移,同时为巷道变形提供-定的缓冲,有利于巷道的稳定.由此,确定采用强力锚杆索+卸压钻孔+二次注浆的联合控制方案.矿压观测表明,采用该方案返修后,11采区轨道大巷剧烈变形时间短,变形值小,可为类似条件下巷道支护提供参考.

The track roadway of No.11 mining area in Dongpang Mine is located on the floor of No.2 coal seam.There was severe deformation and had undergone multiple renovations,resulting in high maintenance costs.To control tunnel deformation,research on deep rock roadway support technology was carried out.On site investigation showed that the deformation of the track roadway in the 11th mining area was severe,and the support bodies such as anchor rods and cables were severely damaged.Mechanical parameter testing was conducted on the sandstone in the tunnel,and its uniaxial compressive strength was 23.7 MPa.The main reasons for the large deformation of the roadway were the low strength of the surrounding rock,the extraction of the No.2 coal working face,and the unreasonable support parameters.Analysis showed that after drilling in the coal rock mass of the tunnel,it could promote the transfer of stress concentration to the deep,while providing a certain buffer for tunnel deformation,which was conducive to the stability of the surrounding rock.Therefore,it was determined to adopt a joint control scheme of strong anchor cables,pressure relief drilling,and secondary grouting.The observation of mine pressure showed that after adopting this plan for repair,the track roadway underwent severe deformation during a certain period of time,with small deformation values,which provided reference for roadway support under similar conditions.


河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司,河北邢台 054000||河北省矿井微震重点实验室,河北邢台 054000



deep rock roadwaysevere deformationpressure relief drillingmine pressure observationsupport parameters

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (002)

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