一种改进的基于110 GHz在片S参数测试的HEMT器件寄生电阻提取方法OA北大核心CSTPCD
An improved method for determination of extrinsic resistances for HEMT devices based on 110 GHz S-parameters on-wafer measurement
提出了一种改进的高电子迁移率晶体管寄生电阻提取方法,该方法利用了特殊偏置点(Vgs>Vth,Vds=0V)的等效电路模型,推导了寄生电阻的表达式,采用半分析法对寄生电阻进行了优化.1~110 GHz S参数实测结果和仿真的S参数一致,证明该方法是有效的.
An improved method for determination of extrinsic resistances for 70 nm InP high electron mobility transistor(HEMT)is proposed in this paper.A set of expressions have been derived from the equivalent circuit model under operating bias points(Vgs>Vth,Vds = 0 V).The extrinsic resistances are iterative determined using the discrepancy between simulated and measured S-parameters as an optimization criterion using the semi-analyti-cal method.Good agreement between simulated and measured S-parameters under multi bias over the frequency range up to 110 GHz verifies the effectiveness of this extraction method.
华东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院,上海 200241华东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院,上海 200241南通大学 交通与土木工程学院,江苏 南通 226019华东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院,上海 200241
InP high electron mobility transistor(HEMT)equivalent circuit modelextrinsic resistancesmodeling
《红外与毫米波学报》 2024 (1)
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62201293,62034003)