

Analysis of the Basic Characteristics of Red Tide Disasters in the Coastal Seawater of Guangdong Province


文章通过收集《广东省海洋灾害公报》中2013-2022年的赤潮灾害数据,运用统计学方法对近10年广东省海域的赤潮灾害时空分布等基本特征进行综合分析,以期为赤潮灾害的预警、防治等工作提供参考依据.分析结果表明:时间分布上,近10年间广东省海域共发生赤潮95次,年平均9.5次,共发生面积3 624.76 km2,主要发生时间集中在1-4月,平均每次赤潮持续时间为8.8 d;空间分布上,赤潮发生次数最多的主要位于珠三角海域,赤潮面积发生最大的则位于粤西海域.引发赤潮的生物共有26种,其中硅藻门13种、甲藻门10种、定鞭藻门、黄藻门和原生动物门各1种,引发赤潮次数最多的是夜光藻和红色赤潮藻,引发赤潮面积最大的是球形棕囊藻,近年来引发赤潮的生物种类呈现多样化的趋势.

This paper collected the data on red tide disasters from 2013 to 2022 in the Guangdong Provincial Marine Disaster Bulletin,and comprehensively analyzed the basic characteristics of the spatiotemporal distribution of red tide disasters in the coastal seawater of Guangdong Prov-ince in the past ten years by statistical methods,in order to provide a reference for the early warning and prevention of red tide disasters.The analysis results show that a total of 95 red tides occurred in the coastal seawater of Guangdong Province in the past ten years,with an an-nual average of 9.5 times,the total area of red tides was 3624.76km2,red tide mainly occurrs between January to April,and the average duration of each red tide was 8.8 days.The locations with the highest frequency of red tide was in the coastal seawater of the Pearl River Delta,while the largest area of red tide was occurred in the western Guangdong Sea.There are 26 species of organisms that cause red tides,including 13 species of Bacillariophyta,10 species of Dinophyta,and 1 species each of Coccolithophore,Xanthophyta and Protozoa,Noctiluca scintillans and Akashiwo sanguinea are the most frequent cause of red tides,and Phaeocystis globosa is the largest area occurrence of red tides,the species that cause red tides have shown a trend of diver-sification in recent years.


海域海岛环境科技研究院(天津)有限公司 天津 300110



Red tideBasic characteristicsCoastal seawater of Guangdong Province

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (001)

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