

Comparison of Construction Policies of Shandong and Guangdong Maritime Powerhouses:Based on text analysis


海洋是新发展阶段实现高质量发展的战略要地,在国民经济发展中的地位作用 日益突出.文章运用文本分析法,对山东、广东政府部门在2010-2020年间颁布的海洋强省建设方面政策文件进行分析,从颁布主体、政策类型、文种类型、关键词与语义网络4个维度进行统计分析比较.研究结果表明:从颁布主体来看,山东省更强调部门间合作协调配合,广东更强调政策执行的权威性;从政策类型来看,山东更加强调对海域海岛的规范监督以及产业规范和财政资金运用,广东则更强调功能区的划分和海洋生态保护;从文种类型来看,两省结构类似,但山东更多偏向管理办法;从关键词与语义网络来看,山东侧重于推动海洋渔业建设、资源开发等,广东更侧重生态保护和资源利用.最后得出山东海洋强省建设的4点政策启示.

The sea is a strategic place to achieve high-quality development in the new stage of de-velopment,and its role in the development of the national economy is becoming increasingly prominent.This paper uses text analysis to analyze the policy documents on the construction of a strong maritime province issued by the government departments of Shandong and Guangdong from 2010 to 2020,and makes statistical analysis and comparison from four dimensions:prom-ulgation entity,policy type,language type,keywords and semantic network.The results show that from the perspective of promulgation subjects,Shandong Province emphasizes interdepart-mental cooperation and coordination,and Guangdong emphasizes the authority of policy imple-mentation.From the perspective of policy type,Shandong places more emphasis on the stand-ardized supervision of offshore islands,industrial regulation and the use of financial funds,while Guangdong places more emphasis on the division of functional areas and marine ecological protection.From the perspective of type of language,the structure of the two provinces is simi-lar,but Shandong is more inclined to management methods;From the perspective of keyword frequency and semantic network analysis,Shandong focuses on promoting marine fishery con-struction and resource development,while Guangdong pays more attention to ecological protec-tion and resource utilization.Finally,four policy enlightenments for the construction of Shan-dong Ocean Power Province are obtained.


齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)经管学部 济南 250100



Marine powerhousePolicy comparisonText AnalyticsShandong ProvinceGuang-dong Province

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (001)

59-66 / 8

