

Construction of a risk assessment scale for unplanned extubation of tracheal intubation in ICU adults based on HFMEA model and testing of validity and reliability


目的:以 HFMEA理论为指导,构建重症监护室(ICU)成人气管插管非计划拔管风险评估量表,并检验其信效度.方法:以HFMEA理论为指导通过文献回顾,临床资料剖析、HFMEA小组成员筛选和决策树分析、临床预调查,形成《ICU 成人气管插管非计划拔管风险评估量表》;采用便利抽样法,选取 2022 年 4 月—10 月江西省某三级甲等医院 ICU 的 526 例气管插管病人进行量表调查并进行信效度检验.结果:正式量表共包括病人因素、导管因素、缺乏有效监督、其他因素 4 个维度,共 13 个一级条目,41 个二级指标.Cronbach's α系数为 0.745,评价者间 Spearman相关系数为 0.936(P<0.001),本量表条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)为 0.80~1.00,量表水平的内容效度指数(S-CVI)为 0.91.KMO=0.666,χ2 =1191.556,自由度(df)=78,P<0.01,共提取 4 个公因子,累计方差贡献率为 53.23%.结论:构建的 ICU成人气管插管非计划拔管风险评估量表信效度良好,护理人员可有效识别气管插管病人发生非计划拔管的风险.

Objective:Based on HFMEA theory,to construct a risk assessment scale for unplanned extubation of tracheal intubation in ICU adults based on HFMEA model and to test the validity and reliability.Methods:Through literature review,clinical data analysis,HFMEA team members screening,decision tree analysis,and clinical pre-investigation,the"Risk Assessment Scale of Unplanned Extubation for Adult Tracheal Intubation in ICU"was formed.Using convenient sampling method,a total of 526 patients with tracheal intubation in ICU in a tertiary grade A hospital in Jiangxi province were selected for scale investigation and reliability and validity test from April to October 2022.Results:The formal scale included patient factor,catheter factor,lack of effective supervision and other factors,with 13 first-level items and 41 second-level indicators.The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.745,the inter-rater Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.936(P<0.001),the I-CVI was in the range of 0.80~1.00,and the S-CVI was 0.91.KMO=0.666,χ2= 1191.556,df=78,P<0.01,a total of 4 common factors were extracted,with a cumulative variance contribution of 53.23%.Conclusions:The reliability and validity of the constructed Risk Assessment Scale of Unplanned Extubation for Adult Tracheal Intubation in ICU were good,and nursing staff could effectively identify the risk of unplanned extubation in tracheal intubation patients.




reliability and validity testunplanned extubationHFMEAscaleDelphi process

《全科护理》 2024 (6)



