Study on the granular size and treatment performance of microalgae-bacterial granular sludge
作为一种光驱动的新兴污水处理工艺,藻-菌颗粒污泥(Microalgae-Bacterial Granular Sludge,MBGS)因其高除污效能、低能耗、零温室气体排放等优点而被广泛研究.MBGS粒径可以影响MBGS的藻-菌质量比与生态位,从而影响其传质及光利用效率,进而影响其污染物去除效能.鉴于此,考察了不同粒径MBGS(1.08,2.20,3.17和4.08mm)的除污效能,发现1.08 mm的MBGS系统对有机物、氨氮及磷酸盐的去除效能最高,同时其出水溶解氧浓度最高.进一步结合文献调研和分析表明:当光强为100~500 μmol·m-2·s-1时,MBGS最优粒径范围为0.80~1.60 mm;MBGS粒径对于有机物及氨氮的去除影响较磷酸盐更大;通过提供剪切力(如水力或机械搅拌)能够维持MBGS的最优粒径.研究结果可为MBGS工艺应用于实际污水处理提供理论基础.
As an emerging photo-driven wastewater treatment process,microalgae-bacterial granular sludge(MBGS)has been widely studied for its efficient pollutant removal,low energy consumption,and zero greenhouse gas emission.Granular size could affect the algal-bacterial mass ratio and ecological niche of MBGS,which in turn affects its mass transfer and light utilization efficacy,and consequently its pollutant removal efficacy.In view of this,the pollutant removal efficiency of MBGS with different granular sizes(1.08,2.20,3.17 and 4.08 mm)were investigated,and it was found that the MBGS system at 1.08 mm showed the most effective removal of organics,ammonia-nitrogen and phosphate,as well as the highest effluent dissolved oxygen concentration.Further literature research and analyses show that the optimal MBGS granular size range should be 0.80~1.60 mm when the light intensity is 100~500 μmol·m-2·s-1;the MBGS granular size has a greater effect on the removal of organics and ammonia-nitrogen compared to phosphate;and the optimal range of granular size of MBGS can be maintained through the supply of shear force(e.g.,hydraulic or mechanical stirring).The results provide a theoretical basis for the application of the MBGS process for real wastewater treatment.
microalgal-bacterial granular sludgebiological wastewater treatmentgranular sizestirringcarbon neutrality
《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)
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