

Effects of different soaking and germination accelerating treatments on seed germination of Angelica keiskei


明日叶(Angelica keiskei)是一种经济价值极高、开发前景广阔的食药两用蔬菜.然而由于土壤及温湿度条件等因素限制,明日叶种子出苗率低,制约明日叶的栽培生产.以山东新产的绿茎明日叶种子为材料,通过不同水温浸种及不同浓度KNO3、植物激素、强氧化剂的外源添加,研究了提高种子的萌发处理方法,结果表明,温水(55 ℃)浸种、KNO3溶液、植物激素、强氧化剂处理均可不同程度地促进种子萌发.与清水浸种相比,在KNO3溶液处理组中,750 mg·L-1处理的发芽率和发芽势分别为83.82%和59.56%(p<0.05),为组内最高;在植物激素处理组中,100 mg·L-1 GA3溶液处理发芽率最高,达到81.19%(p<0.05);在强氧化剂处理组中,500 mg·L-1 KMnO4溶液处理的发芽率和发芽势分别为84.92%和46.03%(p<0.05),为组内最高.在这三种外源添加处理条件下,750 mg·L-1KNO3溶液处理的幼苗下胚轴长1.08 cm,根长2.09 cm;100 mg·L-1 GA3溶液处理的幼苗下胚轴长2.41 cm,根长2.01 cm;500 mg·L-1KMnO4溶液处理的幼苗下胚轴长度1.21 cm,根长1.63 cm.综合比较发现,100mg·L-1GA3溶液处理条件下明日叶种子发芽率高,且植株幼苗的根长及下胚轴长度也最好.本研究结果可为明日叶种植及同类种子繁育提供借鉴.

Angelica keiskei is an edible and medicinal vegetable with high economic value and broad development prospects.However,due to the limitation of soil properties,temperature and humidity conditions,the germination rate of Angelica keiskei seeds is generally low,which restricts the cultivation and production of Angelica keiskei.In this study,the seeds of Angelica keiskei,which was newly harvested in Shandong Province,were used as materials to study how to improve the germination of seeds by soaking seeds at various temperature water and exogenous addition of different concentrations of KNO3,plant hormones and strong oxidants.The results show that soaking seeds in warm water(55 ℃),KNO3 solution,plant hormones and strong oxidant treatment could promote seed germination to varying degrees.Compared with water soaking,in the KNO3 solution treatment group,the germination rate and germination potential ability of 750 mg·L-1treatment were 83.82%and 59.56%(p<0.05),respectively,which were the best in the group.In the plant hormone treatment group,the germination rate of 100 mg·L-1 GA3 solution treatment was the highest,reaching 81.19%(p<0.05).In the strong oxidant treatment group,the germination rate and germination potential of 500 mg·L-1KMnO4 solution were 84.92%and 46.03%,respectively(p<0.05),which was the highest in the group.The hypocotyl length of seedlings treated with 750 mg·L-1 KNO3 solution was 1.08 cm,the root length was 2.09 cm,the hypocotyl length of seedlings treated with 100 mg·L-1 GA3 solution was 2.41 cm,the root length was 2.01 cm,and the hypocotyl length of seedlings treated with 500 mg·L-1 KMnO4 solution was 1.21 cm,the root length was 1.63 cm.Comprehensive comparison above results,we suggested that the treatment of 100 mg·L-1 GA3 solution was the best treatment due to high seed germination rate,the largest root length and hypocotyl length of the seedlings.The results of this study can provide reference for Angelica keiskei planting and breeding of similar seeds.





Angelica keiskeilukewarm-water-soakedplant hormonestrong oxidizerseed germination

《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)


168-180 / 13


