

Recovery of Rubidium from a Tungsten Tailings Containing High Calcite by Reverse-positive Flotation Process


某钨尾矿含铷 0.098%,脉石矿物主要为石英、石榴石、萤石、方解石,铷主要赋存在白云母、黑云母及钾长石中,其与脉石矿物嵌布关系极为复杂,属伴生高钙低品位铷矿.为确定铷回收工艺,采用反浮选脱钙—铷正浮选原则流程,详细开展了反浮选脱钙粗选捕收剂、抑制剂和铷浮选粗选活化剂、矿浆pH、十二胺用量、精选抑制剂六偏磷酸钠用量等条件实验.结果表明,反浮选脱钙采用捕收剂CYP+抑制剂SN-1,铷正浮选采用硫酸+十二胺,最终通过反浮选脱钙(两粗三精)—无氟少酸铷正浮选(一粗一扫一精)闭路流程,获得了铷精矿Rb2O品位 0.214%、Rb2O回收率 71.04%的指标,较好地实现了铷资源的回收.

A tungsten tailings contains 0.098%rubidium,and the gangue minerals are mainly quartz,garnet,fluorite,and calcite.Rubidium is mainly present in muscovite,biotite,and potassium feldspar,and its distribution relationship with the gangue minerals is extremely complex,belonging to the associated high calcium low grade rubidium ore.In order to determine the rubidium recovery process,a reverse flotation decalcification rubidium flotation principle process was adopted.Detailed experiments were conducted on the collector,inhibitor,and selection process of reverse flotation decalcification coarse selection,as well as conditions such as rubidium flotation coarse selection activator,pulp pH,dodecylamine,and selected sodium hexametaphosphate.The results determined that a collector CYP+inhibitor SN-1 reagent system was used for reverse flotation decalcification,and a sulfuric acid+dodecylamine reagent system was used for rubidium positive flotation.Finally,through the closed circuit process of reverse flotation decalcification(two coarse and three fine)-fluorine-free low acid rubidium flotation(one coarse and one sweep and one fine),the Rb2O grade of rubidium concentrate was 0.214%,and the Rb2O recovery rate was 71.04%,effectively achieving the recovery of rubidium resources.


长沙矿冶研究院有限责任公司,湖南 长沙 410012



rubidium oremicafeldsparreverse flotationdecalcificationhydrofluoric acid-free and less sulfuric acid

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (001)

89-94 / 6

