Construction of capability requirement analysis indicator system for operational concept development
作为作战概念开发的核心环节,能力需求分析是针对具体作战问题,分析解决方案,明确能力指标、指标阈值、指标关系等各需求要素的过程.这一分析过程需要以科学合理且具有军事意义的指标体系为支撑,该指标体系不仅要具有传统的目的性、完整性、指标可测性,还要具有整体性与层次性相结合、聚合关系与涌现关系相结合、定性与定量相结合等特点.针对上述要求,以"精兵立体投送"作战概念为研究对象,首先,基于DoDAF2.0 构建了以能力需求为核心的作战概念体系结构模型;然后,着眼能力需求分析的特点,设计了包含三大节点网络的超网指标体系;最后,按照设计的超网结构,基于构建的作战概念体系结构模型,建立了能力需求分析指标体系,并通过对比分析了方法的有效性.
As the key stage of operational concept development,capability requirement analysis is the process of analyzing solutions to specific operational problems,and defining various demand elements such as capability indicators,indicator thresholds,and indicator relationships.This analysis process needs to be supported by a scientific and reasonable indicator system with military significance.This indicator system should not only have the traditional purpose,integrity and measura-bility of indicators,but also have the characteristics of integration and hierarchy,emergence and aggregation,and qualitative and quantitative combination.Aiming at the above requirements,it takes the operational concept of"stereoscopic projection"as the research object.Firstly,based on DoDAF2.0,an operational concept architecture model with capability requirements as the core is built;Based on the characteristics of capacity demand analysis,a super network indicator system including three node networks is designed;Finally,according to the designed super network structure,based on the built operational concept architecture model,the capability requirement analysis indicator system is established,and the effectiveness of the method is analyzed.
国防大学 研究生院, 北京 100091||国防大学 联合勤务学院, 北京 100858||国防大学 联合作战学院, 北京 100091国防大学 联合作战学院, 北京 100091国防大学 联合勤务学院, 北京 100858国防大学 联合勤务学院, 北京 100858
operational conceptcapability requirement analysisindicator systemsuper network structure
《指挥控制与仿真》 2024 (2)