

The Transformation of the U.S.-Australia Alliance:Characteristics,Motivations,and Impacts



The U.S.-Australia alliance is an important part of the U.S.alliance system in the Asia-Pacific region and an important tool for the U.S.to implement its regional strategy.As the U.S.strategic competition with China intensifies,the transformation process of the U.S.-Australia alliance has been accelerating.In terms of the goals of the alliance,the U.S.-Australia alliance has undergone a comprehensive transformation centered on the strategic need to contain China.From the perspective of internal relations within the alliance,Australia's ability to guide and shape the alliance has increased significantly.In terms of the nature of the alliance,the U.S.-Australia alliance will transform from defensive alliance to offensive alliance,and the offensive and deterrence capability will become the focus of the cooperation between the two sides.In the view of the scope of alliance cooperation,the comprehensive character of the alliance has become more obvious.On the one hand,the transformation of the U.S.-Australia alliance,being an impor-tant means for the U.S.to mobilize the resources of its allies,promotes the deployment of the Indo-Pacific Strategy and strengthens the U.S.strategic competition with China,while it adapts to Australia's practical needs to alleviate its strategic anxieties and counterbalance China's influence.On the other hand,it has brought the two countries into deep strategic bonding and enhanced the power superiority of the U.S.in the strategic competition with China.This has meanwhile made it more difficult for Australia to handle its rela-tionship with China and has impacted the process of regional peace and cooperation.


中国国际问题研究院,北京 100005



China-U.S.strategic competitionU.S.-Australia alliancealliance transformationIndo-Pa-cific Strategy

《太平洋学报》 2024 (002)

17-28 / 12


