

Preparation,Characterization and Properties of[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]Containing Polyethylene Films Capable of Converting UV Light to Red Light


文章制备了含不同浓度转光剂[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]的线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)转光膜,并对其性能进行评估.扫描电子显微镜(SEM)结果表明:含[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]的聚乙烯薄膜表面光滑,表面无颗粒物团聚.荧光光谱结果显示:转光膜在紫外区(200~345 nm)被激发,在红光区(600~700 nm)有强发射,发光范围与叶绿素的吸收范围相匹配,表明该转光膜可以吸收太阳光中对植物生长有害的紫外光,转换成植物生长需要的红光,有效实现光质调控.含1.0%[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]的转光膜具有最高的荧光量子产率(66.38%).自然光下,透过转光膜的光合光子通量密度(PPFD)在红光区提升,表明薄膜具有良好的转光性能.紫外-可见透射光谱显示:转光膜与纯LLDPE膜相比,透光性略微下降,表明转光膜具有良好的透光性.

A linear low density polyethylene(LLDPE)light conversion film containing different concentrations of the light conversion agent[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]was prepared,and its performance was evaluated.The scanning electron microscopy(SEM)results show that the surface of the polyethylene film containing[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]is smooth,with no particle aggregation.The fluorescence spectra show that the light conversion film is excited in the ultraviolet region(200~345 nm)and exhibits strong emission in the red region(600~700 nm),matching the absorption range of chlorophyll.The result suggests that the light conversion film can absorb harmful ultraviolet light from sunlight for plant growth and convert it into the red light needed for plant growth,effectively achieving light quality regulation.The light conversion film containing 1.0%[Eu(hfa)3(TPPO)2]demonstrates the highest fluorescence quantum yield(66.38%).Under the natural light,the photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD)transmitted through the light conversion film increases in the red region,indicating excellent light conversion performance.Ultraviolet-visible transmission spectra reveals a slight decrease in transparency compared to pure LLDPE film,indicating good light transmittance of the light conversion film.


中国科学院理化技术研究所 功能纳米材料实验室 微纳材料与技术研究中心 光化学转化与功能材料重点实验室,北京 100190||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院理化技术研究所 功能纳米材料实验室 微纳材料与技术研究中心 光化学转化与功能材料重点实验室,北京 100190


Rare earth complexLight conversion agentLight conversion filmLight conversion propertiesLLDPE

《塑料科技》 2024 (002)

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