Research on detection method for network flooding attacks under weakly correlated node reinforcement
The malicious traffic generated by flooding attacks in the network is similar to the normal traffic to a certain extent,so the traditional methods usually identify the normal traffic as malicious attacks,which results in low localization accuracy.To this end,a detection method for network flooding attacks under weakly correlated node reinforcement is studied.A distribution model for weakly correlated nodes in the network is built.In combination with the position relationship between known and unknown nodes,a fast localization equation for weakly correlated nodes is established to locate node positions.The periodicity of messages received by weakly correlated nodes is taken as a feature to detect flooding attacks.By forging alarm packets at the weakly correlated nodes that detected the flooding attacks,the nodes are strengthened.The flood attack defense is completed by following the path backtracking sent by the flooding attack message.The experimental results show that the measurement indicators for locating weakly correlated nodes by this method are all above 0.9,and that the method can detect flooding attacks and implement flooding attack defense.
中国计量大学 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018中国计量大学 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018
weakly correlated nodenetworkflooding attacknode reinforcementperiodicityattack detectionattack defensecommunication rate
《现代电子技术》 2024 (7)