

Application Effect Evaluation of PE Mulch with Different Thickness on Spring Peanut


为探明不同厚度PE地膜覆盖春花生的应用效果,以裸地作对照,研究0.004、0.008、0.010、0.015 mm等4种不同厚度PE地膜的增温、保墒、残膜回收率及对春花生生长发育的影响.结果表明:各覆膜处理可使膜下10 cm土壤平均温度提高1.41~2.58℃,有效增加花生生育期内积温;与裸地相比,覆盖0.004~0.01 mm地膜处理花生增产8.78%~9.92%,0.015 mm地膜处理则减产6.20%;覆盖0.004~0.01 mm地膜处理花生总果数约120个/穴,明显高于裸地对照和0.015 mm地膜处理;与0.004 mm地膜处理相比,0.008、0.01、0.015 mm地膜处理有效果针占比分别下降9.97%、11.51%和25.49%,饱果率则从46.38%提高到65.52%.标准地膜对花生下针有一定影响,可采取加大破膜孔径和提高膜上种行覆土质量等措施,促进花生下针.应用标准地膜从源头上提高了废旧地膜的可回收性;通过挖掘式条铺机收获花生,90%以上地膜可被花生秧夹带离田,再利用除膜揉切机对秧膜进行分离,实现花生秧膜的回收利用.

To investigate the application effect of PE mulch with different thicknesses on spring peanuts,the soil temperature,moisture,residual film recovery and growth of spring peanut with four different thicknesses of PE mulch(0.004,0.008,0.010,0.015 mm)were studied,and the non-mulching treatment was used as the control.The result showed that the average temperatures of the soil 10 cm under the mulch were increased by 1.41-2.58℃,and the accumulated temperature of peanut during the growth period was increased effectively.Compared with the non-mulching treatment,the peanut yield increased by 8.78%-9.92%with the 0.004-0.01 mm mulch treatments,while the peanut yield with the 0.015 mm mulch treatment decreased by 6.20%.The total pod number covered with 0.004-0.01 mm plastic film were about 120 per hole,which were significantly higher than those of the non-mulching treatment and 0.015 mm mulch treatment.Compared with 0.004 mm mulch treatment,the proportion of effective needles of 0.008,0.01,and 0.015 mm mulch treatments decreased by 9.97%,11.51%and 25.49%,while the full fruit rate increased from 46.38%to 65.52%.Standard mulch has a certain impact on peanut needles,and measures such as increasing the hole diameter of the membrane rupture and improving the quality of soil covering the seed row on the film can be taken to promote peanut needles.Application of standard mulch improves the recyclability of waste mulch.Peanuts are harvested by excavating strip-laying harvesters,and more than 90%of the mulch film can be carried away from the field by peanut straw.Then the mulch removal kneading machine can be used to separate the mulch from peanut straw and realize the recycling and utilization of mulch and peanut straw.


临沂市农业技术推广中心,山东临沂 276001山东省花生研究所,山东青岛 266100费县农业技术推广中心,山东临沂 273400郯城县农业技术推广中心,山东临沂 276100



standard mulchrecovery rate of residual filmelongation of flower needlespring peanut

《农学学报》 2024 (003)

58-62 / 5

