Application of quality monitoring indicators of blood testing in blood banks of Shandong province
目的 通过量化监控和趋势分析对血站血液检测过程的质量控制水平做出客观评价,并以此促进血站血液检测实验室同质化水平和标准化管理.方法 建立覆盖采供血全过程的献血服务、成分制备、血液检测、血液供应和质量控制的质量监测指标体系,向山东省 17 家血站发放《采供血过程质量监测指标统计表》,明确指标定义和计算公式,收集各血站 2022 年 1-12 月质量监测指标数据,利用SPSS23.0 软件对其中血液检测(31 个)的质量监测指标数据进行统计分析.结果 17 家血站实验室血清学检测不合格项目占比为ALT 55.84%、HBsAg 13.63%、抗-HCV 5.08%、抗-HIV 5.62%、抗-TP 18.18%、其他因素(主要标本不合格)1.65%.检测不合格率和中位数分别为(1.23±0.57)%与 1.11%,ALT不合格率和中位数分别为(0.74±0.53)%与 0.60%,检测不合格率与ALT不合格率呈正相关(r=0.974,P<0.05).HBsAg不合格率为(0.15±0.09)%,抗-HCV不合格率为(0.05±0.04)%,抗-HIV不合格率为(0.06±0.03)%,抗-TP不合格率为(0.20±0.05)%.17 家血站实验室标本不合格率均值为 0.21‰,标本溶血率均值为 0.08‰,标本容量不足率均值为 0.01‰,标本血细胞比容异常率 0.02‰.17 家血站实验室 4 种HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV试剂和 3 种抗-TP试剂复检符合率均有差异(P<0.05).ELISA试剂使用率为(114.56±3.30)%,ELISA中断率为(10.23±7.05)‰,ELISA失控率为(0.90±1.17)‰,失控率与中断率、试剂使用率均不存在相关性(均为P>0.05),中断率与试剂使用率呈正相关(r=0.592,P<0.05).所有血站共检出HBV DNA阳性标本443 份,不合格率为3.78/万;检出HCV RNA阳性标本 15 份,不合格率为 0.13/万;检出HIV RNA阳性标本 5 份,不合格率为 0.04/万.NAT不合格率为(0.72±0.04)‰,NAT单反应率为(0.39±0.02)‰,HBV DNA单反应率为(0.36±0.02)‰,NAT单反应率与HBV DNA单反应率呈正相关(r=0.886,P<0.05).3 家血站实验室(C、F、H)使用单检核酸检测系统的鉴别阳性率有差异(P<0.05).17 家血站实验室使用混样检测模式的拆分率中位数为 36.36%,NAT无效批次率中位数为 0.67%,NAT无效结果率中位数为 0.07‰.ELISA双试剂检测结果一致率为(99.63±0.24)%,设备故障天数中位数为 14 d.采血部门血型检测错误率为 0.14‰.结论 山东省血站血液检测过程质量监测指标体系能够监测实验前、中、后各环节中可能存在的风险,具有较好的适用性、可行性和有效性,指导实验室质量控制水平持续提升.血液检测质量监测指标的应用将推进全省血液质量管理同质化和标准化发展,为开展血站综合评价奠定基础.
Objective To objectively evaluate the quality control level of blood testing process in blood banks through quantitative monitoring and trend analysis,and to promote the homogenization level and standardized management of blood testing laboratories in blood banks.Methods A quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood col-lection and supply,including blood donation service,blood component preparation,blood testing,blood supply and quality control was established.The questionnaire Quality Monitoring Indicators for Blood Collection and Supply Process with clear definition of indicators and calculation formulas was distributed to 17 blood banks in Shandong province.Quality monitoring indicators of each blood bank from January to December 2022 were collected,and 31 indicators in terms of blood testing were analyzed using SPSS25.0 software.Results The proportion of unqualified serological tests in 17 blood bank laborato-ries was 55.84%for ALT,13.63%for HBsAg,5.08%for anti HCV,5.62%for anti HIV,18.18%for anti TP,and 1.65%for other factors(mainly sample quality).The detection unqualified rate and median were(1.23±0.57)%and 1.11%,re-spectively.The ALT unqualified rate and median were(0.74±0.53)%and 0.60%,respectively.The detection unqualified rate was positively correlated with ALT unqualified rate(r=0.974,P<0.05).The unqualified rate of HBsAg,anti HCV,anti HIV and anti TP was(0.15±0.09)%,(0.05±0.04)%,(0.06±0.03)%and(0.20±0.05)%respectively.The average unqualified rate,average hemolysis rate,average insufficient volume rate and the abnormal hematocrit rate of samples in 17 blood bank laboratories was 0.21‰,0.08‰,0.01‰and 0.02‰respectively.There were differences in the retest concord-ance rates of four HBsAg,anti HCV and anti HIV reagents,and three anti TP reagents among 17 blood bank laboratories(P<0.05).The usage rate of ELISA reagents was(114.56±3.30)%,the outage rate of ELISA was(10.23±7.05)‰,and the out of range rate of ELISA was(0.90±1.17)‰.There was no correlation between the out of range rate,outrage rate and us-age rate(all P>0.05),while the outrage rate was positively correlated with the usage rate(r=0.592,P<0.05).A total of 443 HBV DNA positive samples were detected in all blood banks,with an unqualified rate of 3.78/10 000;15 HCV RNA positive samples were detected,with an unqualified rate of 0.13/10 000;5 HIV RNA positive samples were detected,with an unqualified rate of 0.04/10 000.The unqualified rate of NAT was(0.72±0.04)‰,the single NAT reaction rate[(0.39±0.02)‰]was positively correlated with the single HBV DNA reaction rate[(0.36±0.02)‰](r= 0.886,P<0.05).There was a difference in the discriminated reactive rate by individual NAT among three blood bank laboratories(C,F,H)(P<0.05).The median resolution rate of 17 blood station laboratories by minipool test was 36.36%,the median rate of in-valid batch of NAT was 0.67%,and the median rate of invalid result of NAT was 0.07‰.The consistency rate of ELISA du-al reagent detection results was(99.63±0.24)%,and the median length of equipment failure was 14 days.The error rate of blood type testing in blood collection department was 0.14‰.Conclusion The quality monitoring indicator system for blood testing process in Shandong can monitor potential risks before,during and after the experiment,and has good applicability,feasibility,and effectiveness,and can facilitate the continuous improvement of laboratory quality control level.The applica-tion of blood testing quality monitoring indicators will promote the homogenization and standardization of blood quality man-agement in Shandong,and lay the foundation for future comprehensive evaluations of blood banks.
潍坊市中心血站,山东 潍坊 261043日照市中心血站滨州市中心血站菏泽市中心血站东营市中心血站聊城市中心血站枣庄市中心血站德州市中心血站济南血液供保中心泰安市中心血站淄博市中心血站潍坊市中心血站,山东 潍坊 261043济宁市中心血站临沂市中心血站日照市中心血站山东省血液中心山东省血液中心山东省血液中心山东省血液中心山东省血液中心青岛市中心血站淄博市中心血站青岛市中心血站山东省血液中心烟台市中心血站山东省血液中心威海市中心血站
blood bankblood testingquality monitoring indicators system
《中国输血杂志》 2024 (3)