

Effects of Plant Immune Inducer on the Salt Tolerance and Yield of Maize


为探究植物免疫诱抗剂对玉米耐盐性及产量的影响,以智能聪(ZNC)为材料,于 2022 年在山东烟台开展试验,对盐分胁迫条件下不同浓度智能聪浸种处理的玉米种子发芽率、根系生长指标和产量进行比较分析.结果表明:在 8、10 g/L NaCl溶液中,玉米种子发芽率分别为 27.5%、17.5%,主根长度分别为 19.8、13.0 mm,显著低于其在水溶液中的发芽率(52.5%)和主根长度(55.9 mm),说明盐溶液对玉米发芽和根系生长有抑制作用.20 ng/mL智能聪浸种处理后,8、10 g/L NaCl 溶液下的玉米种子发芽率分别为 38.0%、25.0%,主根长度分别为 24.5、15.1 mm,说明智能聪浸种能够缓解盐溶液对玉米种子发芽和根系生长的抑制作用.采用智能聪拌种结合玉米生长期兑水喷施处理,玉米产量提高 5.02%.综合分析,在盐分胁迫条件下,施用智能聪可促进玉米生长,提高其产量.

In order to explore the effect of plant immune inducer on salt tolerance and yield of maize,an experiment was conducted in Yantai,Shandong Province in 2022 with ZNC as the experimental material.The seed germination rate,root growth and yield of maize treated with different concentrations of Zhinengcong(ZNC)were compared and analyzed under salt stress.The results showed that in 8 and 10 g/L NaCl salt solution,the germination rate of maize seeds was 27.5%and 17.5%respectively,and the length of main root was 19.8 and 13.0 mm,respectively,which was significantly lower than its germination rate(52.5%)and main root length(55.9 mm)in aqueous solution,indicating that salt solution could inhibit maize germination and root growth.After soaking seeds with 20 ng/mL ZNC,the germination rates of maize seeds under 8 and 10 g/L NaCl salt solution stress were 38.0%and 25.0%respectively,and the length of main root was 24.5 and 15.1 mm,respectively,indicating that seed soaking with ZNC could alleviate the inhibitory effect of salt solution on maize seed germination and root growth.By using intelligent seed dressing combined with water spray treatment during the growing pe-riod of corn,the yield of corn increased by 5.02%.According to the comprehensive analysis,under the condition of salt stress,the application of ZNC can promote the growth of maize and increase the yield.


山东省烟台市农业科学研究院,山东 烟台 265500山东蓬勃生物科技有限公司,山东 泰安 271018



maizeplant immune inducersalt stressgermination rateyield

《作物研究》 2024 (001)

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