

Study on Agronomic Traits and Yield of 94 Coix Germplasms


为了筛选产量高的薏苡种质,2021 年在桃源和怀化试验点进行试验,对 94 份薏苡种质的农艺性状和产量进行比较分析.结果表明:94 份薏苡种质在桃源和怀化试验点的株高分别为 98.75~303.33 cm和 73.00~228.20 cm,有效分蘖数分别为 31.13 万~58.00 万/hm2 和 20.00 万~80.67 万/hm2,茎粗分别为 5.71~9.26 mm和 3.81~10.09 mm,秸秆鲜质量分别为 6.76~66.69 t/hm2 和 9.44~62.96 t/hm2,结实率分别为 24.02%~80.67%和22.08%~79.27%,千粒质量分别为 121.50~230.27 g和 103.15~224.74 g,每株穗粒数分别为 26.30~134.70 和44.17~187.68,籽粒产量分别为 0.85~5.20 t/hm2 和 0.78~5.59 t/hm2.根据 2 个试验点的平均产量筛选出 8 份高产种质,分别为隆回薏苡、YY-33、YY21-24、YY21-15、YY21-02、YY19-06、YY-18 和YY17-33.这些品种在 2个试验点的平均株高为 150.75~253.25 cm,每公顷有效分蘖数为 44.04 万~64.67 万,茎粗为 7.58~9.65 mm,秸秆鲜质量为 37.24~64.83 t/hm2,结实率为 48.41%~74.48%,千粒质量为 148.87~182.27 g,每株穗粒数为 63.80~135.19,籽粒产量为 3.50~5.12 t/hm2.

In order to screen for high-yield coix germplasm,agronomic traits and yield of 94 coix germplasms were deter-mined and analyzed at Taoyuan and Huaihua experimental sites in 2021.The results showed that the plant height of 94 coix germplasms at Taoyuan and Huaihua experimental sites ranged from 98.75-303.33 cm and 73.00-228.20 cm,the effec-tive tiller numbers was 31.13-58.00 and 20.00-80.67 ten thousand/hm2,the stem diameter was 5.71-9.26 mm and 3.81-10.09 mm,the straw yield were 6.76-66.69 t/hm2 and 9.44-62.96 t/hm2,the seed setting rates was 24.02%-80.67%and 22.08%-79.27%,the weight of 1 000 grains was 121.50-230.27 g and 103.15-224.74 g,the total grains per plant was 26.30-134.70 and 44.17-187.68,the grain yield was 0.85-5.20 t/hm2 and 0.78-5.59 t/hm2,respec-tively.According to the average yield of two experimental sites,8 high yield germplasms were selected,namely Longhui Coix,YY-33,YY21-24,YY21-15,YY21-02,YY19-06,YY-18 and YY17-33.The average plant height,effective tiller number per hectare,stem diameter and straw fresh quality were 150.75-253.25 cm,440 400-646 700,7.58-9.65 mm and 37.24-64.83 t/hm2,respectively.The seed setting rate was 48.41%and 74.48%,the 1 000-grain weight was 148.87 and 182.27 g,the number of grains per panicle was 63.80 and 135.19,and the grain yield was 3.50 and 5.12 t/hm2.


湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学苎麻研究所/湖南省草类作物种质创新与利用工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128



coixgermplasm resourcesyieldagronomic traits

《作物研究》 2024 (1)


