

Sap flow in tree trunks within Chaohe mountain area and its variation with meteorological factors


[目的]探究潮河山区人工林树干液流与气象因子间的响应关系.[方法]通过热扩散探针法(TDP)对河北省丰宁县达袋沟控制站内生长季(5-10 月)人工林(落叶松、油松和沙棘)树干液流速率进行了监测,并同步监测气象因子,研究人工林液流速率变化特征及其与气象因子的关系.[结果]①典型晴天落叶松、油松和沙棘各月份树干液流呈"昼高夜低"的单峰型曲线.各树种雨天树干液流较同期晴天明显降低,沙棘液流速率较其他树种更快且更易受降水影响.②小时尺度上落叶松、油松、沙棘液流速率与大气温度(Ta)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、太阳净辐射(Rn)和风速(W)正相关,而与降水量(P)和空气相对湿度(Rh)负相关.Rn是影响树干液流的最重要因素,VPD、Ta、Rh对其影响次之.③日尺度上落叶松、油松、沙棘液流速率日均值分别为 2.78、1.44、5.27 mL/(cm2·h),其中 Rn、VPD、Ta为主要影响因子.④整个生长季落叶松、油松、沙棘液流速率与气象因子间的时滞现象显著.落叶松液流速率变化提前于VPD约 20 min,滞后于Rn约 60 min;油松液流速率变化提前于VPD约 40 min,滞后于Rn约 50 min;沙棘液流速率变化提前于VPD约 20 min,滞后于Rn约 50 min.[结论]不同时间尺度下影响潮河山区人工林液流的主要气象因子为Rn和VPD,液流与气象因子间存在明显的时滞现象,表现为液流速率变化提前于VPD,滞后于Rn.

[Objective]Water ascent in plant is driven by water evaporation from leaves,influenced by meteorological factors.Understanding its variation with these factors is important to unveil the mechanisms underlying plant transpiration.This paper is to investigate the correlation between sap flow and meteorological factors in a plantation located in the Chaohe mountain area.[Method]The experimental site is at the Dadaigou Experimental Station in Fengning County.Sap flow from May to October in different tree species including Larix principis-rupprechtii,Pinus tabulaeformis and Hippophae rhamnoides,was measured using the Granier-type thermal dissipation probe.Meteorological data measured during the same period were used to analyze their impact on the sap flows.[Result]① In sunny days,sap flow measured in all species increased in daytime and decreased in evening;it was larger in sunny days than in rainy days.Sap flow in Hippophae rhamnoides was faster and more sensitive to rainfall than other two species.② Hourly sap flow in all species was positively correlated to atmospheric temperature(Ta),vapor pressure deficit(VPD),net radiation(Rn)and wind velocity(W),and negatively correlated to rainfall and relative humidity(Rh).Rn is the factor affecting sap flow most,followed by VPD,Ta and Rh.③ Daily sap flow in Larix principis-rupprechtii,Pinus tabulaeformis and Hippophae rhamnoides was 2.78,1.44 and 5.27 mL/(cm2·h)separately,affected significantly by Rn,VPD and Ta.④ There was a significant delay in the response of sap flow to changes in meteorological factors for all three species,with the response to changes in VPD and Rn delayed by 20 min and 60 min for Larix principis-rupprechtii,40 min and 50 min for Pinus tabulaeformis,and 20 min and 50 min for Hippophae rhamnoides,respectively.[Conclusion]The meteorological factors that affect sap flow in the three species in the Chaohe mountain area were net radiation(Rn)and vapor pressure deficit(VPD).There was a significant delay in the response of sap flow to changes in meteorological factors.Studying plant transpiration and its variation with meteorological factors should consider such a delay.


郑州大学 水利与交通学院,郑州 450001||中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038郑州大学 水利与交通学院,郑州 450001中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038



characteristics of sap flowmeteorological factorsscalestime lag

《灌溉排水学报》 2024 (3)




