首页|期刊导航|海南医学院学报|基于16S rDNA测序对中重度牙周炎伴脑梗死患者龈下菌斑微生物群落结构分析

基于16S rDNA测序对中重度牙周炎伴脑梗死患者龈下菌斑微生物群落结构分析OACSTPCD

Analysis of subgingival plaque microbiota community structure in moderate to severe periodontitis and cerebral infarction patients based on 16S rDNA sequencing


目的:运用16S rDNA测序比较分析中重度牙周炎伴脑梗死患者的龈下菌斑微生物群落结构特征及多样性,并初步探讨中重度牙周炎与脑梗死的相关性.方法:根据纳入和排除标准,采集中重度牙周炎患者10例(PD组)、中重度牙周炎伴脑梗死患者10例(CI-PD组)和健康人群10例(CK组)的龈下菌斑,通过Illumnia NovaSeq 6000测序平台对16S rDNA V3-V4区进行测序,运用Qiime、R、mothur及SPSS等软件进行生物信息学分析.结果:PD和CI-PD组龈下菌群结构较为相似,但两组龈下菌群多样性较健康组有显著差异(P<0.05).在菌门和菌属水平上,PD与CI-PD组最多的物种是拟杆菌门和梭杆菌属,而CK组是放线菌门和梭杆菌属.PD和CI-PD组龈下菌斑微生物群落中卟啉单胞菌属、普雷沃氏菌属、密螺旋体属、产丝菌属和TG5较CK组增加(P<0.05);CI-PD组龈下菌斑微生物群落中的奈瑟菌属、劳特罗普氏菌属、二氧化碳嗜纤维菌属、罗氏菌属、嗜血杆菌属、心杆菌属显著低于PD组(P<0.05).结论:CK、PD和CI-PD 3组龈下菌斑微生物群落结构存在差异性,初步提示中重度牙周炎伴脑梗死患者龈下菌斑微生物群落中卟啉单胞菌属、普雷沃氏菌属、密螺旋体属、产丝菌属及TG5的增加和奈瑟菌属、劳特罗普氏菌属、二氧化碳嗜纤维菌属、罗氏菌属、嗜血杆菌属及心杆菌属的减少可能与脑梗死相关.

Objective:To compare the microbial community structure and diversity of subgingival plaque in patients with mod-erate to severe periodontitis and cerebral infarction by 16S rDNA sequencing,and to explore the relationship between moderate to severe periodontitis and cerebral infarction.Methods:According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,subgingival plaque was col-lected from 10 patients with moderate to severe periodontitis(the PD group),10 patients with moderate to severe periodontitis and cerebral infarction(the CI-PD group)and 10 cases of healthy population(the CK group).The 16S rDNA V3-V4 region was sequenced by Illumnia NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform,and bioinformatics analysis was analyzed by Qiime,R,mothur,SPSS and other softwares.Results:The structure of subgingival microflora in the PD and CI-PD groups was similar,but the diversity of subgingival flora in the two groups was significantly different from that in the healthy group(P<0.05).At the level of phylum and genus,the most species in the PD and CI-PD groups were Bacteroidetes and Fusobacterium,and the most species in CK group were Actinobacteria and Fusobacterium.The numbers of Porphyromonas,Prevotella,Treponema,Filifactor and TG5 in micro-biota community of subgingival plaque in the PD and CI-PD groups were higher than those in the CK group(P<0.05),while the numbers of Neisseria,Lautropia,Capnocytophaga,Rothia,Haemophilus and Cardiobacterium in microbiota community of sub-gingival plaque in the CI-PD group were significantly lower than those in the PD group(P<0.05).Conclusion:There are differ-ences in the microbial community structure of subgingival plaque among the CK,PD and CI-PD groups.It is suggested that the in-crease of Porphyromonas,Prevotella,Treponema,Filifactor and TG5 in microbiota community of subgingival plaque of patients with moderate and severe periodontitis with cerebral infarction and the decrease of Neisseria,Lautropia,Capnocytophaga,Rothia,Haemophilus and Cardiobacterium may be related to cerebral infarction.


海南医学院,海南 海口 570100海南医学院,海南 海口 570100||海南医学院第二附属医院口腔科,海南 海口 570100


16S rDNA微生物群落龈下菌斑牙周炎脑梗死

16S rDNAMicrobiota communitySubgingival microbiotaPeriodontitisCerebral infarction

《海南医学院学报》 2024 (006)

428-434 / 7

This study was supported by High-Level Talents Project of Hainan Natural Science Foundation(820RC768) 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目(820RC768)

