

Diagnostic value of non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiogra-phy combined with renal dynamic imaging in atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis


目的:探讨非对比增强磁共振血管成像(NCE-MRA)联合肾动态显像对动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄(ARAS)的诊断价值.方法:选择 2019 年 1 月至 2023 年 1 月于河南省人民医院行肾动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA)的172 例患者,按肾动脉DSA结果分为ARAS组(n =107)和非ARAS组(n =65).比较两组患者的临床特征,分析NCE-MRA对ARAS的诊断价值,以肾动态显像测得的两侧GFR差值及比值单独或联合NCE-MRA诊断结果绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,评估对ARAS的诊断价值.结果:NCE-MRA与肾动脉DSA诊断ARAS的一致性较好(Kappa =0.828,P<0.001),NCE-MRA诊断ARAS的敏感度、特异度、准确性、阳性预测值(PPV)和阴性预测值(NPV)分别为92.52%,90.77%、91.86%、94.29%、88.06%;双肾GFR比值及差值用于诊断ARAS的AUC为0.771 和 0.708,最佳诊断界值为 1.371 和 13.900 mL/(min·1.73 m2),敏感度为 52.3%和 45.8%,特异度为90.8%和89.2%;GFR比值及差值联合NCE-MRA诊断ARAS的AUC分别为 0.948 和 0.942,敏感度为 95.3%和94.4%,特异度均为 89.2%.结论:NCE-MRA对ARAS具有较高的诊断效能,联合肾动态显像可提高对ARAS的诊断价值.

Aim:To explore the diagnostic value of non-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography(NCE-MRA)combined with renal dynamic imaging in atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis(ARAS).Methods:A total of 172 pa-tients who underwent renal artery digital subtraction angiography(DSA)in Henan University People's Hospital(Henan Pro-vincial People's Hospital)from January 2019 to January 2023 were selected and allocated into ARAS group(n =107)and non-ARAS group(n =65).Clinical characteristics of the2 groups and the diagnostic value of NCE-MRA for ARAS were an-alyzed.ROC curve was drawn with the ratio and difference of bilateral GFR measured by renal dynamic imaging and the combination of them and NCE-MRA diagnostic results to evaluate their diagnostic value for ARAS.Results:NCE-MRA and DSA were in good agreement in diagnosing ARAS(Kappa =0.828,P<0.01).The sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive value(PPV)and negative predictive value(NPV)of NCE-MRA for diagnosing ARAS were 92.52%,90.77%,91.86%,94.29%,and 88.06%,respectively;the area under the ROC curve of the ratio and difference of bilateral GFR for diagnosing ARAS were 0.771 and 0.708,and the optimal diagnostic margins were 1.371 and 13.900 mL/(min·1.73 m2),the sensitive was 52.3%and 45.8%,and the specificity was 90.8%and 89.2%.The area under the ROC curve of the ratio and difference of bilateral GFR combined with NCE-MRA for diagnosing ARAS was 0.948 and 0.942,respective-ly,the sensitivity was 95.3%,94.4%,the specificity was 89.2%.Conclusion:NCE-MRA has high diagnostic efficiency for ARAS.Combination with GFR measured by renal dynamic imaging can improve the diagnostic efficiency of NCE-MRA for ARAS.


河南大学人民医院(河南省人民医院)高血压科 郑州 450003河南大学人民医院(河南省人民医院) 郑州 450003河南大学人民医院(河南省人民医院)高血压科 郑州 450003河南大学人民医院(河南省人民医院)高血压科 郑州 450003河南大学人民医院(河南省人民医院)高血压科 郑州 450003郑州大学临床医学系 郑州 450001郑州大学临床医学系 郑州 450001郑州大学临床医学系 郑州 450001河南中医药大学临床医学系 郑州 450046郑州大学临床医学系 郑州 450001



non-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiographyrenal dynamic imagingglomerular filtration rateatherosclerotic renal artery stenosisdiagnostic value

《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (2)



