DeformationFailure and Stability Analysis of Hard and Soft Reverse Slope on Municipal Road
为有效探究上硬下软反倾边坡破坏机理,文中以贵安新区高峰污水处理厂市政道路改扩建项目YK17+500-YK17+700 段反倾边坡治理为例,系统分析上硬下软反倾边坡变形破坏特征、机理,并建立数值模型,对边坡稳定性实施计算与评估.结果显示,边坡开挖及雨水渗透作用为滑坡形成提供条件;该边坡在当前状态及开挖至设计标高条件下,其稳定性已不符合标准要求,需实施加固处理,并充分考虑后续可能出现的深层滑移.
In order to effectively explore the failure mechanism of the upper hard and lower soft anti-dip slope,this paper takes the treatment of the anti-dip slope of YK17+500-YK17+700 section of the municipal road reconstruction and expansion project of Gaofeng sewage Treatment Plant in GUI'an New Area as an example,systematically analyzes the deformation and failure characteristics and mechanism of the upper hard and lower soft anti-dip slope,and calculates and evaluates the stability of the slope by establishing a numerical model.The results show that slope excavation and rainwater infiltration provide conditions for landslide formation.The stability of the slope does not meet the standard re-quirements under the conditions of the current state and excavation to the design elevation,so it is necessary to implement reinforcement treat-ment and fully consider the possibility of deep slip in the future.
贵州贵安建设工程有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550031
Municipal roadHard at the top and soft at the bottomFailure mechanismStability
《江西建材》 2024 (1)