Analysis of Landslide Stability and Evaluation of the Necessity of Preventionand Control
To lay the theoretical foundation for landslide prevention and control,based on the results of landslide survey,the stability evalua-tion of landslides is first carried out using the transfer coefficient method,and the necessity evaluation of landslide prevention and control is car-ried out using the P×C method.The analysis results show that the stability of 2-2'profile is the worst,followed by3-3'and1-1'profiles,and the stability of rainstorm condition is the worst,which belongs to the under stable basically stable state.The other seismic conditions and natural conditions are basically stable or stable,that is,there is a greater possibility of instability under adverse conditions.Meanwhile,ac-cording to the necessity evaluation of landslide prevention and control,the overall necessity score of landslide prevention and control is 80.27,corresponding to the necessity level of prevention and control being III,indicating poor overall stability of the landslide.Finally,both types of analysis results indicate that landslide prevention and control is of significant necessity,and it is necessary to carry out prevention and control measures as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the lives and property of residents in the area.
江苏省水文地质海洋地质勘查院,江苏 淮安 223005
LandslidesStability evaluationTransfer coefficient methodNecessity of prevention and control
《江西建材》 2024 (1)