基于PLAXIS 3D的地铁近接基坑开挖稳定性分析OA
Stability Analysis of the Excavation Nearby Existing MTR Based on PLAXIS 3D
文中针对城市地铁运营保护区内基坑开挖施工现状,结合类似工程经验对比法,充分考虑土体与结构的共同作用,以及分步开挖的施工过程,运用有限元软件(PLAXIS 3D)进行三维数值模拟分析,分别从加载效应、卸载效应、横向效应、纵向效应及空间效应等方面,分析了地铁保护区内基坑开挖对既有地铁隧道稳定性的影响,并提出相应对策.该方法对评估地下结构近接基坑开挖的安全稳定、指导现场施工具有很强的现实意义.
This paper aims at calculating the influence of foundation pit excavation on the stability of existing subway structure in the present sit-uation of the foundation pit excavation in the Metro operating protection area,combined with similar engineering experience comparison method(PLAXIS 3D),considering the joint action of soil and structure and the step construction process,analysed from the loading effect,unloading effect,transverse effect,longitudinal effect and spatial effect respectively.At the same time,the corresponding countermeasures are put for-ward.This method has great practical significance for the safety reserve of the construction process and guides the site construction meanwhile.
中国地质工程上海有限公司,上海 200063
地铁运营保护区近接基坑开挖PLAXIS 3D稳定性
Metro operating protection areaClose foundation pit excavationPLAXIS 3DStability
《江西建材》 2024 (1)