Relationship between Wax Accumulation in Lycium barbarum Peel and Meteorological Factors
[目的]分析不同采摘时期枸杞果皮蜡质含量与成分差异,探究不同采摘时期气象因子与枸杞果皮蜡质积累的关系,为不同采摘时期适宜制干方式的选择提供理论依据.[方法]以'宁杞 1号'和'宁杞 5号'3个采摘时期(老眼枝时期、七寸枝时期和秋果时期)的果实为材料,应用 GC-MS 技术对果皮蜡质含量、组分进行测定与分析,利用JL-18空气温、湿、光照记录仪监测不同采摘时期的气象因子,采用逐步回归分析法探究果皮蜡质含量及其组分与气象因子之间的关系.[结果]1)2个枸杞品种在 3个采摘期的青果期、转色期和红果期果实蜡质含量均存在显著差异,红果期果实蜡质含量显著高于青果期和转色期,而青果期和转色期果实蜡质含量差异不显著.2)'宁杞 1号'的蜡质成分主要为二十六烷、二十八烷、1-碘代二十八烷、1-碘代三十烷、二十二醇和β-香树精,'宁杞5号'的蜡质成分主要为二十六烷、二十七烷、1-碘代二十八烷、1-碘代三十烷、二十二醇和 2-己基-1-癸醇.3)老眼枝时期,'宁杞 1号'和'宁杞 5号'果皮蜡质含量与光照强度显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.759(P<0.05)和-0.838(P<0.01).'宁杞 1号'酯类与日均温度显著负相关,相关系数为-0.712(P<0.05),'宁杞 5号'酸类和酯类与日均湿度显著正相关,相关系数分别为 0.728(P<0.05)和 0.739(P<0.05).'宁杞 1号'和'宁杞 5号'酮类与夜均温度显著正相关,与光照强度显著负相关,相关系数分别为 0.717(P<0.01)和-0.649(P<0.05);烷烃类与日均湿度和夜均温度显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.772(P<0.01)和 0.637(P<0.05);碘代烷烃类与夜均湿度显著正相关,相关系数为0.820(P<0.01).七寸枝时期,'宁杞 1号'烷烃类与夜均温度显著正相关,相关系数为 0.779(P<0.05);碘代烷烃类与日均温度显著负相关,相关系数为-0.724(P<0.05);酸类与日均湿度显著负相关,相关系数为-0.680(P<0.05).'宁杞5号'蜡质含量与夜均湿度和光照强度显著正相关,相关系数分别为 0.795(P<0.01)和 0.748(P<0.01);酮类和碘代烷烃类与日均温度显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.887(P<0.01)和-0.749(P<0.05).秋果时期,'宁杞 1号'烷烃类和碘代烷烃类与夜均温度显著正相关,相关系数分别为 0.887(P<0.01)和 0.767(P<0.05).[结论]不同采摘时期的气象因子对宁夏枸杞果皮蜡质含量与成分产生不同影响,温度与碘代烷烃类、酮类和烷烃类积累有关,湿度与酯类、酸类和烷烃类积累有关,光照强度与酯类、醇类积累有关.
[Objective]This study aims to investigate the differences in wax content and composition in pericarp at various picking periods,and explore the relationship between meteorological factors and wax accumulation in pericarp of Lycium barbarum during different picking periods,in order to provide a theoretical basis for the selection of suitable drying methods for different picking periods.[Method]The fruits of L.barbarum'Ningqi No.1'and L.barbarum'Ningqi No.5'in three picking periods(old eye branch period,seven-inch branch period and autumn fruit period)were used as materials.GC-MS technology was used to measure and analyze the wax content and components.The meteorological factors in different picking periods were monitored by JL-18 air temperature,humidity and light recorder.The relationship between wax content and components in pericarp and meteorological factors was analyzed by regression analysis.[Result]1)There were significant differences in fruit wax content between the two L.barbarum varieties during the three picking periods of green fruit stage,color change stage and red fruit stage.The wax content of the fruit at the red fruit stage was significantly different from that at the green fruit stage and color change stage.However,the difference in wax content between green stage fruit stage and color change stage was not significant.2)The wax composition analysis showed that the wax of'Ningqi No.1'peel was mainly composed of hexacosane,octacosane,1-iodoctacosane,1-iodotriacontane,docosanol and β-amyrin,while the wax of'Ningqi No.5'peel was mainly composed of hexacosane,heptacosane,1-iodoctacosane,1-iodotriacontane,docosanol and 2-hexyl-1-decanol.3)During the old eye branch period,the peel wax content of the two cultivars was significantly negatively correlated with light intensity,with correlation coefficients of-0.759(P<0.05)and-0.838(P<0.01).For'Ningqi No.1',esters were significantly negatively correlated with daily average temperature,with a correlation coefficient of-0.712.For'Ningqi No.5',acids and esters were significantly positively correlated with daily average humidity,with correlation coefficients of 0.728(P<0.05)and 0.739(P<0.05),ketones were significantly positively correlated with night average temperature,and significantly negatively correlated with light intensity,with correlation coefficients of 0.717(P<0.01)and-0.649(P<0.05),alkanes were significantly negatively correlated with daily average humidity and night average temperature,with correlation coefficients of-0.772(P<0.01)and 0.637(P<0.05),iodinated alkanes were significantly positively correlated with night average humidity,with the correlation coefficient of 0.820(P<0.01).During the seven-inch branch period,for'Ningqi No.1',the alkanes were significantly positively correlated with the average night temperature,with the correlation coefficient of 0.779(P<0.05),the iodinated alkanes were significantly negatively correlated with the average daily temperature,with the correlation coefficient of-0.724(P<0.05),the acids were significantly negatively correlated with the average daily humidity,with the correlation coefficient of-0.680.For'Ningqi No.5',the wax content was significantly positively correlated with night average humidity and light intensity,with the correlation coefficients of 0.795(P<0.01)and 0.748(P<0.01),the ketones and iodoalkanes were significantly negatively correlated with daily average temperature,with the correlation coefficients of-0.887(P<0.01)and-0.749.During the autumn fruit period,for'Ningqi No.1',the alkanes and iodoalkanes were significantly positively correlated with night average temperature,with correlation coefficients of 0.887(P<0.01)and 0.767(P<0.05).[Conclusion]The meteorological factors during different picking periods have differents effects on wax content and components.Temperature is mainly related to the accumulation of iodoalkanes,ketones and alkanes.Humidity is related to the accumulation of esters,acids and alkanes.Light intensity is related to the accumulation of esters and alcohols.The results provide a theoretical basis for the suitable dewaxing agent pretreatment in the drying of L.barbarum fruits at different picking periods.
宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021宁夏农林科学院枸杞科学研究所 银川 750002宁夏农林科学院枸杞科学研究所 银川 750002宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021宁夏大学生命科学学院 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室 银川 750021
Lycium barbarumdifferent picking stageswax accumulationwax componentmeteorological factors
《林业科学》 2024 (3)