

Current status of energy intake in patients with stable COPD and its influencing factors


目的 调查稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的能量摄入状况,并分析其影响因素.方法 调查北京某三级医院及其医疗联合体中所包括的社区卫生服务中心呼吸内科门诊就诊的 COPD患者,使用一般资料调查表、3×24 h膳食回顾法进行调查,膳食摄入数据通过营养计算软件进行处理,计算患者平均每日的能量摄入情况,并进行单因素和多元 Logistic回归分析,分析稳定期COPD患者能量摄入的影响因素.结果 (1)130例稳定期COPD患者中,50.8%的患者能量摄入达到推荐标准,29.2%的患者低于推荐标准,20.0%的患者高于推荐标准;其中,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物供能比例达到推荐标准的患者分别占比 36.9%、38.5%、39.2%,低于推荐标准者分别占 58.5%、11.5%、35.4%,高于推荐标准者分别占 4.6%、50.0%、25.4%.(2)能量摄入与患者的性别、是否单身、月收入水平、每日进餐次数以及疾病因素的影响有关.结论 49.2%的稳定期COPD患者的能量摄入不符合推荐标准,蛋白质供能比例低于推荐标准者占 58.5%,脂肪供能比例高于推荐标准者占 50.0%,有待改善;女性、单身、月收入水平低、每日进食 2 餐、受到疾病影响是患者发生能量摄入不达标的高危因素,可针对此制定个体化饮食干预方案.

Objective To investigate the energy intake of patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)and analyze its influencing factors.Methods COPD patients in respiratory medicine department of a community health service center included in a tertiary hospital in Beijing and its medical consortium were investigated using a General Information Questionnaire and a 3×24 h Dietary Review Questionnaire.The dietary intake data were processed by nutrition calculation software to calculate the average daily energy intake of the patients.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to analyze the influencing factors of substandard energy intake in patients with stable COPD.Results(1)Among the 130 patients with stable COPD,50.8%achieved the recommended standard for energy intake,while 29.2%had lower energy intake than the recommended standard,and 20.0%had higher energy intake.Only 36.9%of patients met recommended protein standard,while 58.5%were below it and 4.6%exceeded it.For fat intake,38.5%of patients met the standard,11.5%were below,and 50.0%surpassed the recommended guideline.Carbohydrate ratio followed a similar pattern,with 39.2%of patients within the standard,35.4%below,and 25.4%above the recommended level.(2)Energy intake was related to factors incuding sex,whether single,monthly income level,number of daily meals and the influence of the disease.Conclusion The energy intake of 49.2%of the patients with stable COPD does not meet the recommended standard.The proportion of protein energy supply lower than the recommended standard is 58.5%,and that of fat energy supply higher than the the recommended standard 50.0%,which need to be improved.Being female,being single,having low monthly income,consuming 2 meals a day,and being affected by the disease are factors that place patients at high risk of inadequate energy intake.An individualized dietary intervention may help address inadequate energy intake when considering all risk factors.


中国医学科学院北京协和医学院 护理学院,北京 100144北京大学首钢医院 呼吸与危重症医学科,北京 100044



chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,stable stageenergy intakeinfluencing factor

《护理学报》 2024 (005)

12-16 / 5

