

Effects of Different Organic Amendments on Yield of Helianthus tuberosus L.and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Saline-Alkali Land


试验在黄河三角洲典型盐碱地上进行,以菊芋品种南芋 1 号为供试材料,设置不施肥对照(CK)、常规施肥(F)、商品有机肥(M)、生物炭基调理剂(T1)、抗盐调理剂(T2)共 5 个处理,研究不同有机改良剂对菊芋苗期生物量、块茎产量及土壤主要理化性质的影响.结果表明:施用有机改良剂对盐碱地菊芋苗期干物质量和成熟期地下块茎产量影响显著,其中T1 处理菊芋苗期干物质量和成熟期块茎产量最高,较CK、F处理分别显著提高 76.4%、36.2%和 38.7%、25.1%.与CK相比,T1 处理菊芋苗期 0~30 cm土层土壤pH值显著下降;M、T1 和T2 处理较CK和F处理显著降低菊芋苗期 0~20 cm土层土壤水溶性盐含量,降幅达 8.3%以上,且T1 优于M和T2 处理;菊芋收获后,M、T1 和T2 处理 0~10 cm土层土壤有机质含量较CK分别显著提高15.1%、20.7%和 21.0%,T1 处理显著增加0~20 cm土层土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量,M处理显著增加0~20 cm土层土壤有效磷和速效钾含量.综上,施用生物炭基调理剂对改良土壤盐碱化、促进壮苗培育、提高菊芋产量效果较优.

The experiment was carried out in typical saline-alkali lands of the Yellow River Delta.Five treatments were designed including no fertilizer as the control(CK),conventional fertilization(F),commer-cial organic manure(M),biochar-base organic amendment(T1)and salt-resistant amendment(T2),and Helianthus tuberosus L.Nanyu 1 was used as the experimental variety.The results showed that dry matter a-mount at seedling stage and tuber yield at maturity stage of H.tuberosus were significantly influenced by the application of organic amendments,and those of T1 treatment were the highest and significantly increased by 76.4% and 36.2% ,and 38.7% and 25.1% compared with CK and F treatment,respectively.Compared with CK,the soil pH value of 0~30-cm layer decreased significantly at seedling stage under T1 treatment.Com-pared with CK and F treatments,M,T1 and T2 treatments significantly reduced the soluble salt content in 0~20-cm soil layer at seedling stage by more than 8.3% ,and the salt reduction effect of T1 treatment was better than that of M and T2 treatment.The content of soil organic matter in 0~10-cm layer under M,T1 and T2 treatments were significantly increased by 15.1% ,20.7% and 21.0% compared with CK treatment,respective-ly.T1 treatment significantly increased the contents of soil alkali-hydrolytic nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium in 0~20-cm layer compared with CK treatment,while M treatment significantly increased the contents of soil available phosphorus and available potassium in 0~20-cm layer.In conclusion,the appli-cation of biochar-base organic amendments were superior to decreasing soil salinization,promoting strong seed-ling culture and increasing yield of H.tuberosus.


山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院黄河三角洲现代农业研究院,山东 东营 257399山东省农业科学院黄河三角洲现代农业研究院,山东 东营 257399山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/养分资源高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部废弃物基质化利用重点实验室/农业农村部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,山东 济南 250100



Helianthus tuberosus L.Saline-alkali landOrganic amendmentTuber yieldSoil physical and chemical propertiesYellow River Delta

《山东农业科学》 2024 (3)



