Research on Dynamic Gradient Multiphase Extraction Operation Mode
多相抽提技术对有机污染地下水具有显著修复效果,可以提高抽提井内真空度,促进挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,VOCs)的释放,并提高污染水的抽提量,降低污染物浓度.本研究提出动态梯度多相抽提运行模式,选取上海市某工业遗留地块进行中间试验,以修复地下水环境.结果表明,经过28 d的多相抽提运行,动态梯度多相抽提区1,2-二氯苯浓度由68.5 mg/L降低至21.3 mg/L,1,4-二氯苯浓度由 33.6 mg/L降低至 11.4 mg/L,其污染物去除效果显著优于传统持续多相抽提模式.它可以形成以重污染区为中心的水力梯度,通过液位差带来的压力增加重污染区的重质非水相液体(Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids,DNAPLs)相抽提量及总抽水量,从而促进地下水修复.
Multiphase extraction technology has a significant remediation effect on organic contaminated groundwater,which can improve the vacuum degree in the extraction well,promote the release of Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs),increase the extraction amount of polluted water,and reduce the concentration of pollutants.This study proposes a dynamic gradient multiphase extraction operation mode and selects an industrial legacy plot in Shanghai city for intermediate experiments to restore the groundwater environment.The results show that after 28 d of multiphase extraction operation,the concentration of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in the dynamic gradient multiphase extraction zone decreased from 68.5 mg/L to 21.3 mg/L,and the concentration of 1,4-dichlorobenzene decreased from 33.6 mg/L to 11.4 mg/L,its pollutant removal effect was significantly better than the traditional continuous multiphase extraction mode.It can form a hydraulic gradient centered around the heavily polluted area,and increases the extraction volume of Dense Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids(DNAPLs)phase and total water pumping volume in the heavily polluted area through the pressure brought by the liquid level difference,thereby promoting groundwater remediation.
上海建工环境科技有限公司,上海 201101
multiphase extractiongroundwater remediationhydraulic gradientDense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids(DNAPLs)phase
《中国资源综合利用》 2024 (3)