Mercury Content and Its Potential Risks of Inland River Sediments in Nanning City
城市内河聚集的沉积物是内河水环境的重要组成部分,已成为潜在的二次污染源.本文结合南宁市19 条内河的沉积物样品和水样检测结果,分析内河沉积物的汞全量及有效态,比较内河环境及纯水环境下沉积物的汞浸出浓度,评估内河沉积物中汞的活性及迁移趋势对内河水环境质量的影响.试验结果表明,南宁市内河沉积物中汞对内河水环境质量无显著的潜在风险.
The sediment accumulated in urban inland rivers is an important component of the inland river water environment and has become a potential source of secondary pollution.Based on the detection results of sediment and water samples from 19 inland rivers in Nanning city,this paper analyzes the total amount and effective state of mercury in inland river sediments,compares the mercury leaching concentration of sediments in inland river and pure water environments,and evaluates the impact of mercury activity and migration trends in inland river sediments on the quality of inland river water environment.The experimental results indicate that mercury in the sediment of the inland rivers in Nanning city has no significant potential risk to the quality of the inland river water environment.
广西壮族自治区南宁生态环境监测中心,南宁 530012广西壮族自治区南宁生态环境监测中心,南宁 530012
inland riverssedimentsmercury contenteffective statepotential risk
《中国资源综合利用》 2024 (3)