Analysis of waterflood feasibility for the thin conglomerate reservoir of Cardium Formation,Western Cana-da Basin
为明确西加盆地Cardium组Cardium A薄砾岩油藏水驱开发潜力,基于岩心观察、压汞及相渗实验、现场注水试验数据和油藏数值模拟等,划分储层类型,分析油藏水驱开发效果.结果表明:西加盆地Cardium组Cardium A薄砾岩储层类型可划分为Ⅰ类纯净砾岩和Ⅱ类含杂质砾岩,油井产能受控于砾岩储层厚度和储层类型;砾岩储层非均质发育、平面岩相相变快,现场注水无法形成连片有效的水驱通道,油井动态响应呈快速水窜型和轻微受效型;水驱开发数值模拟显示温和注水方案的整体增油效果优于强化注水方案的,注水方案相比不注水方案轻微增油,Cardium A薄砾岩油藏的水驱增油可行性较低.该结果为其他同类型油藏注水开发提供参考.
In order to make clear the waterflood development potential of the thin conglomerate reservoir named Cardium A in Cardium Formation of Western Canada Basin,the reservoir type was classified ac-cording to the core observation,mercury injection and phase permeability experiments.The waterflood development effect was analyzed based on the data from the field water injection test.The results show that the conglomerate reservoir can be classified into type Ⅰ pure conglomerate and type Ⅱ impure con-glomerate.The well productivity is controlled by the conglomerate reservoir type and reservoir thick-ness.The field water injection can hardly form extensive and effective waterflood channels due to the heterogeneity and rapid rock face changes of the conglomerate reservoir.The producer dynamic respon-ses present the type of quick water breakthrough and the type of slight influence.The numerical simula-tion of waterflood shows that the total oil increase of the gentle water injection scenario is larger than that of the enhanced water injection scenario.The oil increase of water injection scenarios is little com-pared with that of the scenario without water injection.This research confirms that the waterflood feasi-bility for Cardium A,the thin conglomerate reservoir,to increase oil production is quite low,which also provides references for water injection development of other similar reservoirs.
中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206
Western Canada BasinCardium Formationthin conglomeratereservoir typeproductivi-tywaterflood
《东北石油大学学报》 2024 (1)